Rabu, 26 Februari 2020

Arrange the words into a correct sentence , Menyusun Kata Kedalam Kalimat Yang benar Dalam Bahasa Inggris




Arrange The Words

Menyusun Kata


















She and  You


Aux Verb







To Be

-is ( S =1)

-are (S>1)


























a book


at the shop






- meat


- a car










-In the class

-At the zoo







-Last year











Dewi will always buy  a book happily at the shop tomorrow

   S     AV     F        V       O        Ad           P              T



Dewi akan selalu membeli buku dengan gembira di toko besok



She is a student

Dia seorang siswa



She  is      at the zoo   now

S      Av         P            T

Dia berada di kebun binatang sekarang

Catatan :

  1. Auxiliary Verb ( AV) Kata Kerja Bantu + V1

NB :

Play- played-played-playing ( Regular Verb)

Write-wrote-written-writing ( Irregular Verb)



  • Can /Could  +V1-- Dapat/bisa,

Can – dapat sekarang , Could – dapat lampau


I can play (V1) a guitar now ( 100 %)

Saya dapat bermain gitar sekarang


I could play(V1) a guitar 5 years ago ( 50%)

Saya dapat bermain gitar 5tahun yang lalu


  • May / might +V1-- Mungkin
  • Will/Would + V1-- Akan
  • Shall/Should + V1-- Akan / seharusnya



  • Has/Have/Had+V3 – telah (mempunyai+benda), harus +V1
  • Does/Do/Did+ Not+ V1 -- tidak


  1. To Be
  • Is/am/are -- V1
  • Was/were -- V2


  1. Frequency ( Keseringan)
  • Always ( selalu) --100  %,
  • Usually( biasanya) -- 90%,
  • Generally ( umumnya) -- 80 %
  • Often ( sering) -- 70 %,
  • Sometimes (kadang kadang) -- 50 %,
  • Occasionally ( ada kalanya) -- 30 %
  • Seldom ( jarang ) -- 10%
  • Rarely ( hampir tidak pernah ) -- 5 %
  • Never ( tidak pernah) -- 0%


  1. Adverb ( Keterangan kata kerja / cara)
  • Carefully ( secara hati hati) ,
  • Beautifuly ( dengan cantiknya)
  • Happily ( dengan senangnya)
  • Slowly ( secara lambat)
  • Lazily ( dengan malasnya)
  • Crazily ( dengan gilanya )


  1. Adverb of degree( Keterangan  tingkat)
  • Too ( terlalu)
  • Very ( sangat),
  • Almost ( hampir)
  • More( lebih)
  • Quite ( sangat)
  • Much ( sangat / banyak)
  • A lot ( banyak)
  • Enough ( cukup)
  • A bit (sedikit)
  • Crazily ( dengan gilanya )









Subject : He, She, It, They,We ,You


Rudi is my brother


The boy  is my friend ( Kalimat ke 1)

Anak laki-laki itu adalah temanku


The boy is playing a guitar ( Kalimat ke 2)

Anak laki-laki itu sedang bermain gitar


Kalimat diatas digabung menjadi :


The boy who is playing a guitar is my friend

Anak laki-laki yang  sedang bermain gitar adalah teman saya



NB :

S1 Man +Who+Verb – yang me ../be..


S1 Man + Whom+ S2 – yang me../be..


S1 Man +Whose + Benda – yang me .. / be..

Waspada susun kata :

Jarang dibelakang kalimat :

  • That (itu)
  • This (ini)
  • A (sebuah)
  • An ( sebuah)
  • The
  • And (dan)
  • Is/am/are/
  • Was/Were 
  • In (di dalam)
  • On ( diatas)/
  • At ( di )
  • Of  ( dari /milik)
  • To (untuk / ke )
  • From ( dari)
  • By ( dengan)
  • About (tentang)


  • What ( apa)/
  • Why( mengapa)/
  • Who ( siapa /yang)
  • Which ( yang mana/yang )/
  • How ( bagaimana)


Hindari  kata ganti di awal kalimat:


His daughter / her bag ---> tidak boleh didepan /krn tidak jelas siapa


When = Ketika

While = Selagi


1.S+V2...............    When +S+ V2  --- ketika


    I studied  english when she played tennis yeserday (T2)

    S   V 2       O        When  S    V 2     O

Saya belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia bermain tenis kemarin


2.S+V2.................When + S   +Was/were + Ving -- Ketika

   I studied english when she  was playing tennis yeterday

Saya belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia sedang bermain tenis kemarin




S+Was/were + Ving  ...While + S+was/were + Ving -- Selagi


They were studying english while  shinta was playing tennis yesterday


Saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia sedang bermain tenis kemarin




Jenis Kalimat :



1.     Simple Sentence ( Kalimat sederhana / tunggal)


         Dewi buys a pen  at the shop

           S      V        O            P


         Dewi membeli pena di toko


2.     Compund Sentence ( Kalimat Majemuk Setara )

--And (dan)

--But (tetapi)

-- Or ( atau)


           Dewi buys a pen at the shop and Mother cooks rice in the kitchen

              S       V      O          P                     S          V       O         P


           Dewi membeli pena di toko dan Ibu memasak nasi di dapur


3.     Complex Sentence ( Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat)

Conjuction ( Kata hubung( :

--Because ( karena)

--So ( sehingga)

--Before ( sebelum)

--After ( sesudah)

--If ( jika)

--When ( ketika )

--While ( selagi)


Dewi buys a pen because she wants to write a letter

   S       V     O       Conj      S     V                       O

Dewi membeli pena karena dia ingin menulis surat







Arrange the following words into a correct sentence


Felt-But-Excited-I-Tired-My holiday- after

1         2      3        4    5          6                7


  1. 6-1-5-2-4-3-7
  2. 6-1-2-5-4-3-7
  3. 4-1-5-2-3-7-6
  4. 4-1-3-2-6-5-7


I felt tired but excited after my holiday

Saya merasa lelah tetapi bersemangat setelah liburan saya




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence



1            2      3          4      5     6     7   8    9


  1. 8-6-1-9-2-3-5-4-7
  2. 8-1-9-2-3-5-4-7-6
  3. 2-3-5-4-9-8-7-6-1
  4. 2-5-4-9-3-7-8-6-1


The girl who is running is my best friend

Gadis yang sedang berlari adalah sahabatku




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence



     1          2         3         4         5     6   7    8   9


  1. 9-5-3-8-1-2-6-4-7
  2. 9-5-4-1-2-6-3-8-7
  3. 2-9-5-3-4-1-6-8-7
  4. 2-9-5-3-8-1-6-4-7


We were having dinner when it started to rain

Kami sedang makan malam ketika hujan mulai turun




Arrange these words into the correct sentence


When-was doing-I-my sister-painfully-screamed-my homework

    1            2            3       4                 5              6                 7    

  1. 3-6-1-2-4-5-7
  2. 3-7-1-4-5-6-2
  3. 3-2-7-1-4-6-5
  4. 3-5-4-6-1-7-2


I was doing my homework when my sister screamed painfully

Saya sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah ketika saudara perempuan saya menjerit kesakitan




Arrange the following words into the correct sentence


Really-I-to go-too sick-want-to work- to drive- I am-but

  1        2    3        4           5          6            7           8    9



  1. 2-1-5-7-9-8-4-3-6
  2. 2-5-3-6-9-8-1-4-7
  3. 2-5-7-1-9-8-4-6-3
  4. 2-1-5-3-6-9-8-4-7



I really want to go to work but I am too sick to drive

Saya benar-benar ingin pergi bekerja tetapi saya terlalu sakit untuk mengemudi




Arrange the words into the correct order



     1        2       3          4             5         6       7       8        9


  1. 7-8-4-1-6-3-9-2-5
  2. 7-8-4-2-6-3-1-5-9
  3. 6-3-9-5-1-7-8-4-2
  4. 6-3-9-5-1-7-2-8-4



While we were playing games they were preparing lunch

Sementara kami bermain-main, mereka sedang menyiapkan makan siang



Asal :

We were playing games while they were preparing lunch




Asks-after dinner- to wash-every night-the dishes-Budi-Mum

  1             2              3               4               5              6       7


a.        4-7-1-6-3-5-2

b.        4-7-1-6-2-5-3

c.        3-5-1-6-2-4-7

d.        3-5-1-6-4-7-2


Every night Mum asks Budi to wash the dishes after lunch

Setiap malam ibu meminta Budi untuk mencuci piring setelah makan siang




Arrange the folowing words into a correct sentence


Since-my father-seriously ill-has been-is-and-hospitalized-yesterday

   1           2              3                     4       5  6         7                  8


  1. 1-2-4-7-6-3-5-8
  2. 2-5-3-6-4-7-1-8
  3. 4-3-2-5-6-7-8-1
  4. 8-2-4-7-6-3-1-5


My father is seriously ill and has been hospitalized since yesterday

Ayah saya sakit parah dan dirawat di rumah sakit sejak kemarin




Arrange the following words intoa correct sentence


High school-my friend-is wearing-the boy-who-a red cap-from-is

        1                2                      3          4         5         6           7     8  

  1. 2-7-1-8-6-5-4-3
  2. 5-3-2-7-1-4-6-8
  3. 1-2-7-5-4-6-8-3
  4. 4-5-3-6-8-2-7-1



The boy who is wearing a red cap is my friend from high school

Anak laki-laki yang mengenakan topi merah adalah teman saya dari sekolah menengah




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence

My house-went out-was raining-when-it-very hard-the electricity-in

  1               2              3                    4     5      6              7                 8

  1. 4-5-3-6-7-8-1-2
  2. 1-2-6-8-7-4-5-3
  3. 7-2-4-1-8-3-5-6
  4. 5-6-8-2-3-1-7-4


When it was raining very hard the electricity in my house went out


Ketika hujan sangat deras, listrik di rumah saya padam





Arrange the following words into a correct sentence



   1              2       3   4     5       6     7  8 



  1. 3-1-7-6-4-2-8-5
  2. 3-5-4-2-8-1-7-6
  3. 5-4-2-8-3-1-7-6
  4. 5-8-3-1-7-6-2-4


We stayed at home and watched a film

Kami tinggal di rumah dan menonton film







Arrange the following words into a correct sentence


The email-went off-I-while-the computer-was-suddenly-writing

        1             2       3    4                 5          6          7            8



a.        4-6-2-5-7-3-8-1

b.        4-3-6-8-1-5-7-2

c.        4-3-6-2-5-1-7-8

d.        4-6-8-5-3-1-7-2


While I was writing the email the computer suddenly went off

Ketika saya sedang menulis email, komputer tiba-tiba mati




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence

The sunglasses-who-is-my father-is wearing-the man

          1                 2    3     4                5                6


  1. 6-2-5-1-3-4
  2. 6-5-1-2-4-2
  3. 4-5-1-2-3-6
  4. 2-5-4-3-1-6


The man who is wearing the sunglasses is my father

Pria yang memakai kacamata hitam itu adalah ayahku




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence

When-I-studying english-last night-was-you-came

   1      2              3                 4            5     6         7   


  1. 1-2-3-4-6-5-7
  2. 2-5-3-1-6-7-4
  3. 3-4-5-6-7-2-1
  4. 4-1-2-5-3-6-7


I was studying english when you came last night

Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris ketika Anda datang tadi malam







Is- Australia-his daughters-are-going to-and-Singapore-going to-

 1        2                3               4       5          6         7              8

Mr.  Firman



a.        9-1-5-2-6-3-7-4-8

b.        9-1-5-2-6-3-4-8-7

c.        3-1-8-7-6-9-4-5-2

d.        3-4-8-7-6-9-1-5-2


Mr. Firman is going to Australia and his daughters are going to Singapore

Pak Firman akan ke Australia dan putrinya pergi ke Singapura


UN 14


Arrange the folowing words into a correct sentence


When-wants-a doctor-she-grows up-or- a lawyer-to be – Wina

  1          2           3         4       5           6         7         8           9


a.        9-5-8-3-6-7-1-4-2

b.        9-2-8-3-6-7-1-4-5

c.        4-2-8-3-6-7-1-9-5

d.        4-2-8-3-1-9-5-6-7


Wina wants to be a doctor or a lawyer when she grows up

Wina ingin menjadi dokter atau pengacara ketika dia dewasa




Arrange the following words into a correct sentence


Will have-are-who-the students-hard-a test- studying-tomorrow

      1          2      3             4            5     6          7                8


A.       4-3-1-6-8-2-7-5

B.       3-2-4-1-6-7-5-8

C.       4-2-7-5-3-1-6-8

D.       3-2-7-5-8-4-1-6



The students  who will have  a test  tomorrow  are studying hard

Para siswa yang akan mengikuti tes besok sedang belajar keras




Arrange the following word into a correct sentence


Buying- a bookstore-new-he-was-a -book- English-in

    1                2            3     4      5   6  7            8        9

  1. 4-5-1-3-8-6-7-9-2
  2. 4-5-1-6-3-8-7-9-2
  3. 6-3-2-4-5-1-9-8-7
  4. 6-3-8-7-4-5-1-9-2


He was buying a new english book  in a bookstore

Dia membeli buku bahasa Inggris baru di toko buku




Arrange the following words into a correct sentences


Afraid-that-next week –till- is- he- come- can’t- he

     1       2           3           4    5   6        7       8      9


  1. 6-2-1-4-3-9-5-8-7
  2. 6-8-7-4-3-2-9-5-1
  3. 9-5-1-2-6-8-7-4-3
  4. 9-6-1-6-8-7-4-3-2


He is afraid that he can’t come till next week

Dia takut tidak bisa datang sampai minggu depan


UN 14



  1. 2-3-7-4-1-6-5
  2. 3-7-6-1-4-5-2
  3. 2-4-6-3-7-1-5
  4. 3-7-1-5-6-4-2


Break the glass in case of emergency

Pecahkan kaca jika terjadi keadaan darurat






    1           2    3     4         5         6


The best arrangement to make a sentence is ...


  1. 4-2-6-5-1-3
  2. 4-2-6-3-5-1
  3. 4-2-6-3-1-5
  4. 4-2-6-1-5-3


This is a non smoking restaurant

Ini adalah restoran bebas rokok




Alamat kami :


Gadjah Mada English School ( GMES)


Jl.Kadipaten Kulon No. 27 B , Kraton , Yogyakarta

Phone /WA : 0812 274 7050


( DepanTaman Kadipaten /

Pasar Ngasem kebarat  )



Website : gmesenglish.blogspot.com


Bantuan Transportasi :


Google Map : tulis “gmes english”


Gojek     : tulis “gmes english”

Grab       : tulis “gmes english”







" A Man Without Ambition is Like A Bird Without Wings , Manusia tanpa cita cita bagaikan seekor burung tanpa sayap" 

Test Tag break
Postingan terkait, Klik dibawah ini :
Les Inggris SMP Jogja
Les Inggris SMA,SBMPTN dan STAN di Jogja
Les TOEFL Jogja
Hitung Nilai TOEFL
Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
Pronouns , Kata Ganti
Preposition , Kata Depan
Regular Verb, Kata Kerja Teratur
Irregular Verb, Kata Kerja Tidak Teratur
Question Words , Kata Tanya
Adverb of Frequency , Keterangan Keseringan
Klik , Peta Google Map ke GMES English Jogja
Klik , Google Translate

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