Rabu, 19 Februari 2025

Talking About Vacation , Berbicara Tentang Liburan


Part A

Talking About Vacation

Berbicara Tentang Liburan


Nanda :

How was your trip to Bali last sunday?

Bagaimana perjalananmu ke Bali hari minggu yang lalu?


NB :

Is/are – Was/were- Been


Ari       :

It was really fun.

Sangat menyenangkan.


Nanda :

How was the weather?

Bagaimana cuacanya?


Ari       :

The weather was beautiful. 

Cuacanya indah. 


It was warm and sunny every day.

Cuacanya hangat dan cerah setiap hari.


Nanda :

How were the people?

Bagaimana orang-orangnya?


Ari       :

The people were very friendly and helpful

Orang-orangnya sangat ramah dan suka menolong


Nanda :

What did you do?

Apa yang kamu lakukan?


Ari       :

I had some meetings, ate at some restaurants and did sightseeing.

Saya ada beberapa rapat, makan di beberapa restoran, dan jalan-jalan.


NB :

Has/have – Had/had

Eat – ate -eaten

Do/does – did - done


Nanda :

So, you still did some office work during your vacation?

Jadi, kamu masih mengerjakan pekerjaan kantor selama liburan?


Ari       :

Yes, I did. 

Ya, benar. 


I also prepared the material for this afternoon's meeting during my vacation.

Saya juga menyiapkan materi untuk rapat sore ini selama liburan.

NB :

Prepare – Prepared – Prepared -Preparing


Nanda :

Thank you. 

Terima kasih. 


You are indeed a reliable co-worker. 

Kamu memang rekan kerja yang bisa diandalkan.


By the way, how was the hotel?

Ngomong-ngomong, bagaimana hotelnya?


Ari       :

The hotel was very nice. 

Hotelnya sangat bagus.


The service was great.

Pelayanannya hebat.




Nanda :

I see. 

Begitu ya.

How about the food?

Bagaimana dengan makanannya?


Ari       :

The food was splendid. 

Makanannya lezat.


I ate many different kinds of food.

Saya makan banyak jenis makanan 


Nanda :

Was it expensive?

Apakah mahal?


Ari       :

I think it was reasonable. 

Menurut saya itu wajar.


I didn't spend too much money.

Saya tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak uang.


NB :

Think – Thought – Thought - Thinking


Nanda :

It sounds like you had an amazing vacation. Kedengarannya kamu menikmati liburan yang luar biasa.


Ari       :

Yes. Just one bad thing happened.

Ya. Hanya ada satu hal buruk yang terjadi.


Nanda :

Really? What happened?

Benarkah? Apa yang terjadi?


Ari       :

I got sick. 

Aku sakit. 


I got food poisoning.

Aku keracunan makanan.


NB :

Get/Gets – Got – Gotten - Getting


Nanda :

That's awful. 

Itu mengerikan. 


I thought you said the food was amazing

Kupikir kamu bilang makanannya enak sekali.


NB :

Think – Thought – Thought - Thinking


Adapted from :

Buku pendamping bahasa inggris , p34




## Questions and Answers ##

  1. How was Ari's trip overall?

Bagaimana perjalanan Ari secara keseluruhan?

It was really fun.

Sangat menyenangkan.

  1. How was the weather during the trip?

Bagaimana cuaca selama perjalanan?

The weather was beautiful, warm, and sunny every day.

Cuacanya indah, hangat, dan cerah setiap hari.

  1. How were the people Ari encountered?

Bagaimana orang-orang yang ditemui Ari?

The people were very friendly and helpful.

Orang-orangnya sangat ramah dan membantu.

  1. How was the hotel?

Bagaimana hotelnya?

The hotel was very nice, and the service was great.

Hotelnya sangat bagus, dan pelayanannya luar biasa.

  1. How was the food?

Bagaimana makanannya?

The food was splendid.

Makanannya lezat.

  1. How expensive was the trip?

Berapa biaya perjalanannya?

It was reasonable; Ari didn't spend too much money.

Itu wajar; Ari tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak uang.

  1. What did Ari do during the trip?

Apa yang dilakukan Ari selama perjalanan?

Ari had some meetings, ate at some restaurants, and did sightseeing.

Ari menghadiri beberapa rapat, makan di beberapa restoran, dan jalan-jalan.


  1. What kind of work did Ari do during the vacation?

Pekerjaan apa yang dilakukan Ari selama liburan?

Ari prepared the material for an afternoon meeting.

Ari menyiapkan materi untuk rapat sore.

  1. What happened that was bad during the vacation?

Apa yang terjadi yang buruk selama liburan?

Ari got sick with food poisoning.

Ari jatuh sakit karena keracunan makanan.


  1. When did Ari prepare the meeting material?

Kapan Ari menyiapkan materi rapat?

During his vacation.

Selama liburannya.

  1. Where did Ari eat most of his meals?

Di mana Ari makan sebagian besar makanannya?

At some restaurants.

Di beberapa restoran 

  1. Why did Ari get sick?

 Mengapa Ari jatuh sakit?

Ari got sick because he got food poisoning.

Ari jatuh sakit karena keracunan makanan.

  1. Who went on the trip?

Siapa yang ikut perjalanan?

Ari went on the trip.

Ari ikut perjalanan.


  1. What were Nanda and Ari talking about?

Apa yang sedang dibicarakan Nanda dan Ari?

Nanda and Ari were talking about Ari's recent trip/vacation. 

Nanda dan Ari sedang membicarakan tentang perjalanan/liburan Ari baru-baru ini.


  1. What is Nanda's intention by saying "How was your trip?

Apa maksud Nanda dengan mengatakan "Bagaimana perjalananmu?"

Nanda's intention is to inquire about Ari's experience on the trip. 

Maksud Nanda adalah untuk menanyakan tentang pengalaman Ari selama perjalanan. 


She wants to know if Ari enjoyed the trip and to hear details about it. 

Dia ingin tahu apakah Ari menikmati perjalanan itu dan mendengar detailnya.

  1. Where does the dialog take place?

Di mana dialog itu terjadi?

It is likely that the dialogue takes place at their workplace/office.

Kemungkinan besar dialog itu terjadi di tempat kerja/kantor mereka.

  1. When does the dialog happen?

Kapan dialog itu terjadi?

The dialogue likely happens after Ari has returned from his trip/vacation, and before the afternoon meeting for which Ari prepared materials.

Dialog itu kemungkinan terjadi setelah Ari kembali dari 

perjalanan/liburannya, dan sebelum rapat sore di mana Ari menyiapkan materi.



Part B

Talking About Weekend


Tania     :

Did you have a good weekend, Elza?

Apakah akhir pekanmu menyenangkan, Elza?


NB :

Do/Does – Did -Done-Doing


Elza       :

Yeah, it was great.

Ya, itu bagus sekali.



Tania     :

So, what did you do?

Jadi, apa yang kamu lakukan?



Elza       :

On Saturday, I went to the theatre with my parents.

Pada hari Sabtu, saya pergi ke teater bersama orang tua saya.


NB :

Go/Goes – Went – Gone – Going


Tania     :

What play did you see?

Drama apa yang kamu lihat?


NB :

See/sees – Saw – Seen - Seing


Elza       :

I saw Cinderella. 

Aku melihat Cinderella. 


It was an amazing show.

Itu adalah pertunjukan yang luar biasa.



Tania     :

What did you like the most?

Apa yang paling kamu sukai?


NB :

Like/Likes – Liked -Liked – Liking


Elza       :

I liked the costumes and the songs.

Saya menyukai kostum dan lagunya.


Tania     :

What about Sunday? 

Bagaimana dengan hari Minggu? 


Did you do anything special?

Apakah Anda melakukan sesuatu yang istimewa?



Elza       :

I read a book in the morning. 

Saya membaca buku di pagi hari. 


Then I did my homework, 

Lalu aku mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahku, 


though I didn't feel like it. 

padahal aku tidak merasa menyukainya. 


But I knew had to. 

Tapi aku tahu harus melakukannya. 


What about you? 

Bagaimana denganmu? 


What did you do last weekend?

Apa yang kamu lakukan akhir pekan lalu?


Tania     :

Well, my family and I went on a picnic in the park on Saturday afternoon. 

Nah, saya dan keluarga saya pergi piknik di taman pada hari Sabtu sore. 


The weather was so beautiful and warm. 

Cuacanya sangat indah dan hangat. 


We ate some sandwiches and drank some fresh orange juice. 

Kami makan sandwich dan minum jus jeruk segar. 


Then we took a nice stroll through the park. 

Lalu kami berjalan-jalan santai di taman. 


A moment later, it started to rain. So, we ran as fast as we could.

Sesaat kemudian, hujan mulai turun. Jadi, kami berlari secepat yang kami bisa.


NB :

Eat/eats- ate-eaten -eating

Take/takes – took -taken - taking



## Questions and Answers ##


  1. Who did Elza go to the theatre with?

Dengan siapa Elza pergi ke teater?

Elza went to the theatre with her parents.

Elza pergi ke teater bersama orang tuanya.


  1. Who went on a picnic in the park?

Siapa yang pergi piknik di taman?

Tania and her family went on a picnic in the park.

Tania dan keluarganya pergi piknik di taman.


  1. What did Elza do on Saturday?

Apa yang Elza lakukan pada hari Sabtu?

Elza went to the theatre with her parents.

Elza pergi ke teater bersama orang tuanya.


  1. What play did Elza see?

Drama apa yang Elza tonton?

Elza saw Cinderella.

Elza menonton Cinderella.


  1. What did Elza like the most about the play?

Apa yang paling Elza sukai dari drama itu?

Elza liked the costumes and the songs.

Elza menyukai kostum dan lagu-lagunya.


  1. What did Elza do on Sunday morning?

Apa yang Elza lakukan pada Minggu pagi?

Elza read a book in the morning.

Elza membaca buku di pagi hari.


  1. What did Elza do after reading a book?

Apa yang Elza lakukan setelah membaca buku?

Elza did her homework.

Elza mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya.


  1. What did Tania and her family eat at the picnic?

Apa yang Tania dan keluarganya makan di piknik?

They ate some sandwiches.

Mereka makan beberapa sandwich.


  1. What did Tania and her family drink at the picnic?

Apa yang Tania dan keluarganya minum di piknik?

They drank some fresh orange juice.

Mereka minum jus jeruk segar.


  1. When did Elza go to the theatre?

Kapan Elza pergi ke teater?

Elza went to the theatre on Saturday.

Elza pergi ke teater pada hari Sabtu.


  1. When did Tania and her family go on a picnic?

Kapan Tania dan keluarganya pergi piknik?

Tania and her family went on a picnic on Saturday afternoon.

Tania dan keluarganya pergi piknik pada Sabtu sore.


  1. When did it start to rain during Tania's picnic?

Kapan hujan mulai turun saat Tania piknik?

A moment after they took a nice stroll through the park.

Sesaat setelah mereka berjalan-jalan santai di taman.


  1. Where did Elza go on Saturday?

Kemana Elza pergi pada hari Sabtu?

Elza went to the theatre.

Elza pergi ke teater.


  1. Where did Tania and her family go for a picnic?

Kemana Tania dan keluarganya pergi piknik?

Tania and her family went to the park for a picnic.

Tania dan keluarganya pergi ke taman untuk piknik.


  1. Why did Elza do her homework even though she didn't feel like it?

Mengapa Elza mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya padahal dia sedang tidak ingin melakukannya?

Because she knew she had to.

Karena dia tahu dia harus melakukannya.


  1. Which day did Tania and her family go on a picnic?

Hari apa Tania dan keluarganya pergi piknik?

They went on Saturday afternoon.

Mereka berangkat pada hari Sabtu sore.


  1. How was Elza's weekend?

Bagaimana akhir pekan Elza?

It was great.

Itu bagus sekali.


  1. How did Tania and her family react when it started to rain?

Bagaimana reaksi Tania dan keluarganya saat hujan mulai turun?


They ran as fast as they could.

Mereka berlari secepat yang mereka bisa.


  1. What were the speakers talking about?

Apa yang dibicarakan para pembicara?

The speakers, Tania and Elza, were talking about what they did over the past weekend.

Pembicaranya, Tania dan Elza, berbincang tentang apa yang mereka lakukan selama akhir pekan lalu.


  1. What did Elza do on Saturday?

Apa yang Elza lakukan pada hari Sabtu?

Elza went to the theatre with her parents on Saturday to see the play *Cinderella*.

Elza pergi ke teater bersama orang tuanya pada hari Sabtu untuk menonton drama *Cinderella*.


  1. What did Tania do to spend her weekend?

Apa yang Tania lakukan untuk menghabiskan akhir pekannya?

Tania went on a picnic with her family in the park on Saturday afternoon.

Tania pergi piknik bersama keluarganya di taman pada Sabtu sore.


  1. Why did Tania and her family run fast in the park on Saturday afternoon?

Mengapa Tania dan keluarganya berlari kencang di taman pada Sabtu sore?

Tania and her family ran fast because it started to rain.

Tania dan keluarganya berlari kencang karena hujan mulai turun.


  1. We ate some sandwiches and drank some fresh orange juice." 

Kami makan sandwich dan minum jus jeruk segar." 

What does the underlined word refer to?

Kata yang digarisbawahi mengacu pada apa?

In the sentence, "We ate some sandwiches and drank some fresh orange juice," the word "we" refers to Tania and her family.

Pada kalimat “Kami makan sandwich dan minum jus jeruk segar”, kata “kami” mengacu pada Tania dan keluarganya.




Part C


Spending Weekend



Look. That Mission Impossible movie poster is everywhere.

Lihat. Poster film Mission Impossible ada dimana-mana.



Rivan :

Yeah. I saw it near the junction too. 

Ya. Saya juga melihatnya di dekat persimpangan. 


Over there. 

Di sana. 

The movie is great, indeed. 

Filmnya memang bagus. 


I went to the cinema yesterday. 

Saya pergi ke bioskop kemarin. 


I watched it with my family.

Saya menontonnya bersama keluarga saya.


NB :

Go/goes – went – gone – going

Watch/ watches – watched – watched - watching


Doni :

So, you spent your weekend with your family? 

Jadi, Anda menghabiskan akhir pekan bersama keluarga? 


I thought you went to Dinda's birthday party.

Aku pikir kamu pergi ke pesta ulang tahun Dinda.


NB :

Spend/spends – spent-spent -spending

Think/Thinks – thought – thought -thinking


Rivan :

No, she didn't invite me. 

Tidak, dia tidak mengundangku. 



We are not classmates and we didn't know well each other. 

Kami bukan teman sekelas dan kami tidak mengenal satu sama lain dengan baik. 


Did you go there?

Apakah kamu pergi ke sana?



Doni :

Yeah. I met some of our schoolmates there.

Ya. Saya bertemu dengan beberapa teman sekolah kami di sana.



So, how was the party?

Jadi, bagaimana pestanya?



It was great fun. 

Itu sangat menyenangkan. 


There were lots of beautiful decoration in the room. Ada banyak dekorasi indah di ruangan itu.


The cake looked amazing.

Kue itu tampak luar biasa.


You know that Dinda is my cousin, right?

Kamu tahu kalau Dinda adalah sepupuku kan?



Oh, really? 

Ah, benarkah? 


Tell me more about the party.

Ceritakan lebih banyak tentang pesta itu.



Doni :

We sang happy birthday together. 

Kami menyanyikan lagu selamat ulang tahun bersama. 


Dinda made a wish and blow out the candles and cut the cake.

Dinda membuat permohonan, meniup lilin, dan memotong kue.


After that, we played lots of games and I won many times

Setelah itu, kami bermain banyak permainan dan saya menang berkali-kali.



How was the food ?

Bagaimana makanannya?


Doni :

The food was delicious, but I ate too much and felt a little unwell

Makanannya lezat, tetapi saya makan terlalu banyak dan merasa sedikit tidak enak badan



So, were you able to stay until the end of the party ? Jadi, apakah kamu bisa bertahan sampai pesta berakhir?


Doni :

Yes, I was . 

Ya, saya bisa.


It is because I only started to feel unwell at the end of the party

Itu karena saya baru mulai merasa tidak enak badan setelah pesta berakhir.





  1. Who went to see the Mission Impossible movie?

Siapa yang menonton film Mission Impossible?

Rivan went to see the movie.

Rivan pergi menonton film.

  1. Who did Rivan watch the movie with?
    Dengan siapa Rivan menonton film itu?

Rivan watched it with his family.

Rivan menontonnya bersama keluarganya.

  1. Who is Dinda related to?
    Siapa hubungan Dinda?

Dinda is Doni's cousin.

Dinda adalah sepupu Doni.

  1. Who went to Dinda's birthday party?

Siapa yang datang ke pesta ulang tahun Dinda?

Doni went to Dinda's birthday party.

Doni pergi ke pesta ulang tahun Dinda.


  1. What movie did Rivan see?

Film apa yang Rivan tonton?

Rivan saw the Mission Impossible movie.

Rivan melihat film Mission Impossible.

  1. What did Doni think about the party?
    Apa pendapat Doni tentang pesta itu?

Doni thought that the party was a great fun

Menurut Doni, pesta itu sangat menyenangkan

  1. What did they do at the party?
    Apa yang mereka lakukan di pesta itu?

They sang happy birthday, Dinda made a wish and blew out the candles and cut the cake, and they played lots of games.

Mereka menyanyikan lagu selamat ulang tahun, Dinda membuat permohonan dan meniup lilin serta memotong kue, dan banyak permainan yang mereka mainkan.

  1. What happened to Doni at the party?

Apa yang terjadi dengan Doni di pesta itu?

Doni ate too much and felt a little unwell.

Doni makan terlalu banyak dan merasa sedikit tidak enak badan.

  1. When did Rivan watch the movie?
    Kapan Rivan menonton filmnya?

Rivan watched it yesterday.

Rivan menontonnya kemarin.

  1. When did Doni start feeling unwell?
    Kapan Doni mulai merasa tidak enak badan?

Doni started feeling unwell at the end of the party.

Doni mulai merasa tidak enak badan di akhir pesta.

  1. Where did Rivan see the movie poster?
    Dimana Rivan melihat poster filmnya?

Rivan saw it near the junction.

Rivan melihatnya di dekat pertigaan.

  1. Where did Rivan watch the movie?
    Dimana Rivan menonton filmnya?

Rivan watched the movie in the cinema.

Rivan menonton filmnya di bioskop.

  1. Whom did Doni meet at the party?

Siapa yang ditemui Doni di pesta itu?

Doni met some of their schoolmates there.

Doni bertemu dengan beberapa teman sekolahnya di sana.

  1. Why didn't Rivan go to Dinda's party?
    Kenapa Rivan tidak datang ke pesta Dinda?

Because Dinda didn't invite him.

Karena Dinda tidak mengundangnya.

  1. Why didn't Dinda invite Rivan?
    Kenapa Dinda tidak mengajak Rivan?

Because they are not classmates and didn't know each other well.

Karena mereka bukan teman sekelas dan tidak saling mengenal dengan baik.

  1. How was the movie?

Bagaimana filmnya?

The movie was great, indeed.

Filmnya memang bagus.

  1. How was the party?
    Bagaimana pestanya?

The party was great fun.

Pestanya sangat menyenangkan.

  1. How was the food at the party?
    Bagaimana makanan di pesta itu?

The food was delicious.

Makanannya enak.




Answer from Perplexity: pplx.ai/share






Part D

Marie's Vacation


Anna  :

Hey. How was your vacation ?

Hai. Bagaimana liburanmu?


Marie :

It was very fun.

Itu sangat menyenangkan.


Anna  :

Where did you go?

Kemana kamu pergi?


Marie :

I went to the beach

Saya pergi ke pantai


Anna  :

Who did you go with ?

Dengan siapa kamu pergi?


Marie :

I went with my father, mother, and old sister

Aku pergi bersama ayah, ibu, dan kakak perempuanku


Anna  :

Do you have a house near the beach?

Apakah Anda mempunyai rumah di dekat pantai?


Marie :

No.  we stayed at a hotel

Tidak, kami menginap di hotel


Anna  :

Which hotel did you stay at ?

Di hotel manakah Anda menginap?


Marie :

It's called the Imperial.

Itu disebut Kekaisaran.


Anna  :

Have you stayed there before?

Apakah kamu pernah menginap di sana sebelumnya?


Marie :

Yes. We've been going there for years.

Ya. Kami sudah pergi ke sana selama bertahun-tahun.


Anna  :

It must be very nice.

Pasti sangat bagus.


Marie :

 Yes. It's very nice and not too expensive.

Ya. Ini sangat bagus dan tidak terlalu mahal.


Anna  :

Did you play in the water?"

Apakah kamu bermain di air?"


Marie :

Yes. I went swimming and i rode at     the banana boat

marie: ya. Saya pergi berenang dan naik banana boat


Ana :

How about your old sister?

Bagaimana dengan kakak perempuanmu?



She didn't like the water. 

Dia tidak menyukai air. 


She just sat on the bench and read a book.

Dia hanya duduk di bangku dan membaca buku.


Ana :

What did your mother and father do?

Apa yang ibu dan ayahmu lakukan?


Marie :

They ate in the restaurant.

Mereka makan di restoran.


Ana :

How long was your vacation?

Berapa lama liburanmu?


Marie :

Four days.

Empat hari.



And will you go there again next year?

Dan apakah Anda akan pergi ke sana lagi tahun depan?


Marie :

Of course."

Tentu saja.




&% Questions and Answers %$


  1. Who went on vacation with Marie?

Siapa yang pergi berlibur dengan Marie?

Marie went with her father, mother, and older sister.

Marie pergi bersama ayah, ibu, dan kakak perempuannya.


  1. What did Marie do at the beach?
    Apa yang dilakukan Marie di pantai?

Marie went swimming and rode a banana boat.

Marie pergi berenang dan menaiki banana boat.


  1. What did Marie's older sister do?

Apa yang dilakukan kakak perempuan Marie?

She sat on the bench and read a book.

Dia duduk di bangku dan membaca buku.

  1. What did Marie's mother and father do?
    Apa yang dilakukan ibu dan ayah Marie?

They ate in the restaurant.

Mereka makan di restoran.

  1. When might Marie go there again?

Kapan Marie akan pergi ke sana lagi?

Marie will go there again next year.

Marie akan pergi ke sana lagi tahun depan 

  1. Where did Marie go for her vacation?

Ke mana Marie pergi untuk liburannya?

Marie went to the beach.

Marie pergi ke pantai.


  1. Where did Marie and her family stay?
    Di mana Marie dan keluarganya menginap?

They stayed at a hotel called the Imperial.

Mereka menginap di hotel bernama Imperial.


  1. Whom did Anna talk to about the vacation?
    Dengan siapa Anna berbicara tentang liburannya?

Anna talked to Marie about the vacation.

Anna berbicara dengan Marie tentang liburannya.


  1. Why did Marie's sister just sit on the bench?
    Mengapa kakak perempuan Marie hanya duduk di bangku?

Because she didn't like the water.

Karena dia tidak suka air.


  1. Which hotel did Marie stay at?
    Di hotel mana Marie menginap?

She stayed at the Imperial hotel.

Dia menginap di hotel Imperial.


  1. How was Marie's vacation?
    Bagaimana liburan Marie?

It was very fun.

Sangat menyenangkan.


  1. How long was Marie's vacation?
    Berapa lama liburan Marie?

Her vacation was four days long.

Liburannya berlangsung selama empat hari.








Rescuing a Stranded Sea Turtle


Last summer, during a family vacation to the Coastal town of Kuta, my siblings and I had an unforgettable experience rescuing a stranded sea turtle. It was a bright and sunny morning when we decided to explore the secluded beach nearby. Little did we know that our adventure would turn intoa rescue mission.


As we strolled along the shore, we noticed a crowd gathering near the water. Curious, we hurried over to see what was happening. To our dismay, we found a large sea turtle struggling in the shallow water. It appeared to be entangled in a discarded fishing net, its movements restricted and labored.


Without hesitation, we sprang into action. My older brother waded into the water, carefully approaching the distressed turtle. With steady hands, he began to carefully untangle the net from around its flippers and shell. Meanwhile, my younger sister and I alerted the local authorities and nearby conservationists for assistance.


As my brother continued his rescue efforts, the turtle seemed to sense our intentions. It remained surprisingly calm, allowing him to work quickly and efficiently. After what felt like an eternity, the last bit of netting was finally removed, and the turtle was free.

With a graceful movement, the sea turtle propelled itself back into the ocean, disappearing beneath the waves. A collective cheer erupted from the crowd as we watched it swim away, a symbol of hope and resilience.


In the aftermath of the rescue, we felt a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. Though our encounter with the stranded sea turtle was

unexpected, it reminded us of the importance of environmental conservation and the impact of human actions on marine life.


As we returned to our beach house that evening, we reflected on our experience. Though we were just ordinary individuals, we had made a difference in the life of one creature. It was a reminder that every small act of kindness and compassion has the power to make ameaningful impact on the world around us.





Adapted from :

Bahasa inggris , omega ,p23


Questions and Answers Based on "Rescuing a Stranded Sea Turtle"


Who rescued the stranded sea turtle?
 The stranded sea turtle was rescued by the narrator's older brother, with assistance from the narrator and their younger sister.


Question: What did the family find while exploring the beach?
Answer: The family found a large sea turtle struggling in shallow water, entangled in a discarded fishing net.


Question: When did the rescue of the sea turtle take place?
Answer: The rescue took place last summer during a family vacation.


Question: Where did the rescue mission occur?
Answer: The rescue mission occurred on a secluded beach near the coastal town of Kuta.


Question: Whom did the siblings alert for assistance during the rescue?
Answer: The siblings alerted local authorities and nearby conservationists for assistance.


Question: Why was the sea turtle struggling in the water?
Answer: The sea turtle was struggling because it was entangled in a discarded fishing net, which restricted its movements.


Question: Which action did the older brother take to help the turtle?
Answer: The older brother waded into the water and carefully untangled the fishing net from around the turtle's flippers and shell.


Question: How did the crowd react after the turtle was freed?
Answer: After the turtle was freed, a collective cheer erupted from the crowd as they watched it swim away, symbolizing hope and resilience.


  1. What prompted the family to take action during their beach exploration?
     Answer: b. They saw a stranded sea turtle.
  2. How did the family react when they found the sea turtle entangled in a fishing net?
     Answer: c. They immediately sought help.
  3. Who took the lead in untangling the net from the sea turtle?
     Answer: b. The older brother.
  4. How did the sea turtle react while being rescued?
     Answer: b. It remained calm and cooperative.
  5. What happened after the sea turtle was freed from the net?
     Answer: d. It swam back into the ocean.
  6. How did the family feel after the rescue mission?
     Answer: c. Grateful and fulfilled.
  7. What did the family reflect on as they returned home?
     Answer: a. The importance of environmental conservation.
  8. What did the family realize about their actions during the rescue?
     Answer: a. That they were just ordinary individuals.
  9. What did the sea turtle symbolize for the family and the crowd?
     Answer: c. Hope and resilience.
  10. What lesson did the family learn from their encounter with the sea turtle?
     Answer: A. Every small act of kindness matters.


  1. https://blog.padi.com/video/turtle-rescue-the-olive-ridley-project/
  2. https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/reptiles/turtles-caught-abandoned-net
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWbaKYzWQx8
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVPSTkYihCY
  5. https://www.thecooldown.com/outdoors/loggerhead-turtle-rescue-fisherman-video/
  6. https://www.facebook.com/Animaloversnews/posts/rescuing-sea-turtle-tangled-in-a-fishing-net/964941722329525/
  7. https://www.newsflare.com/video/699664/beachgoers-save-sea-turtle-tangled-in-old-fishing-nets
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGs2JF4GW0g


Choose the correct answer from the following questions based on the text above !

1. What prormpted the family to take action during their beach exploration?

a.They found a hidden treasure.

b. They saw a stranded sea turtle.

c. They discovered a rare seashell.

d. They encountered a group of dolphins.


2. How did the family react when they found the sea turtle entangled in a fishing net?

a. They walked away and ignored it.

b. They took photos and videos.

c. They immediately sought help.

d. They tried to pet the turtle.


3.Who took the lead in untangling the net from the sea turtle?

a. The younger sister.

b. The older brother.

d. The narrator.

d. The local authorities.


4. How did the sea turtle react while being rescued?

a. It panicked and thrashed around.

b. It remained calm and cooperative

c.It tried to bite the rescuers.

d. It swam away before being rescued.


5.What happened after the sea turtle was freed from the net?

a. It attacked the rescuers.

b. It floated on the surface of the water.

c. It thanked the family for their help.

d. It swam back into the ocean.


6. How did the family feel after the rescue mission?


a.Annoyed and tired.

b.Frustrated and bored.

c.Grateful and fulfilled

d.Angry and disappointed.


7. What did the family reflect on as they returned home?

a. The importance of environmental conservation.

b. Their desire to rescue more sea turtles.

c.Their disappointment in the local authorities.

d. The need for better beach exploration gear.



8.What did the family realize about their actions during the rescue?

a. That they were just ordinary individuals.

b. That they were superheroes in disguise.

c. That they were professional marine biologists.

d. That they were well-prepared for any situation.


9. What did the sea turtle symbolize for the family and the crowd?

a. Despair and hopelessness.

b. Regret and sorrow.

C. Hope and resilience.

d. Fear and uncertainty.


10. What lesson did the family learn from their encounter with the sea turtle?

  1. Every small act of kindness matters.
  2. It's best to leave wild animals alone.
  3. Marine life can take care of itself.
  4. Human actions have no impact on the environment.




Experiencing Flood

On 26" Decernber 2023, I was on vacation. I visited my grandparents in Grobogan. When playing football with my friends in field at 04.00 PM, suddenly the heavy rain fell down from the sky. We went home soon.


lt was still raining when I was home. The rain didn't stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. 


The next day, My village had become a flood area, All activities were paralyzed.  No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood, However, I thank God because it can still be safe from filood. My father and I looked around my home. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with the moonlight on it.


Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the rext morning, My farmily and I cleaned home together, That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my village.


1. Where was the writer on 26h December 2023?

2. What happened while the writer was playing football?

3.What did people in the village hope for during the heavy rain?

4.What did the writer and their father do the next day?

5. How did the flood look at night?











The folloiv

[08:41, 2/19/2025] Joko W: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets.


Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul     ( go-went-gone) camping in the mountain .  They (spend-spent-spent) a wonderful time there. They ( wake up -woke up – waken up) early in the morning and then they ( go- went-gone) for a walk . in the village they ( buy-bought-bought) everything they ( need)




In the afternoon they the river.

of it.

a wonderful time there. 


They for a walk. In the village they ( spend – spent-spent)




(not have) a TV set, so after dinner they

(go) to sleep.

One night, Jimmy

(go) camping in the mountain. They

(wake up) early in the morning and then they

(buy) everything they


(play) football,

(watch) the birds and


the moon. Suddenly they(hear) someone calling "Hello! Hello!" They

(be) by the river watching

and they (see) a strange creature. It

(turn) around

(be) green and very small. He.

them to go to his spaceship. There they


(meet) other strange creatures and a beautiful


(sit) down round a table and they

(drink) a glass of fruit juice. It

After a while he

the others. The princess

was happening? He

(have) a very strange dream: they



(swim) in

(feel) a bit strange. Oh, dear...heen

(not be) beautiful anymore and she

(open) his eyes and .. what a relief! It

(talk) fora while and then they

3 (eat) some strange food. Jimmy

(taste) good so he.

(ask) for another glass

(turn) green and small like

(look) horrible. What

(be) onlya dream!

[08:43, 2/19/2025] Joko W: 





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