ADVERB OF FREQUENCY ( Keterangan Keseringan )
Adverb of frequency digunakan untuk berbicara tentang seberapa sering seuatu kegiatan dilakukan
Dewi always gets 10 in english test S Adv Fre V because she studies diligently everyday
Dewi selalu mendapat nilai 10 dalam ulangan bahasa inggris karena dia rajin belajar setiap hari
I am never sad S Be Adv Fre Aku tidak pernah sedih
Adv Of Frequency |
Arti |
1 |
Selalu |
100 % |
I always listen to the radio everyday Saya selalu mendengarkan radio setiap hari --- I'll always remember you. Saya akan selalu mengingat kamu. ---- She is always on time Dia selalu tepat waktu
2 |
Biasanya |
90 % |
I usually get up at 5 o’clock Saya biasanya bangun jam 5 --- He is usually very busy in the morning ( bright) Dia biasanya sangat sibuk di pagi hari (cerah)
3 |
Generally, Normally, Habitually
Umumnya Biasanya, Biasanya |
80 % |
The baby generally wakes up three times during the night. Bayi biasanya bangun tiga kali di malam hari --- Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school. Anak-anak biasanya merasakan banyak kecemasan tentang hari pertama mereka di sekolah. --- They habitually lie and seem incapable of empathy or remorse. Mereka biasanya berbohong dan tampak tidak mampu berempati atau menyesal.
4 |
Often, Frequently
Sering |
70% |
I often come to his house Saya sering datang ke rumahnya --- My father is often sick Ayah saya sering sakit ---
They frequently read the books in the library Mereka sering membaca buku di perpustakaan --- Buses frequently run between the city and the airport. Bus sering beroperasi antara kota dan bandara.
5 |
Kadang - kadang |
50 % |
I sometimes ride my bike Saya kadang-kadang mengendarai sepeda saya -- It is sometimes cold at night Terkadang dingin di malam hari
6 |
Occasionally |
Ada kalanya |
30 % |
I occasionally watch TV. Saya sesekali menonton TV --
7 |
Jarang |
10 % |
I seldom read the newspaper Saya jarang membaca koran --- You are seldom here Anda jarang di sini
8 |
Rarely , Hardly Ever
hampir tidak penah |
5 % |
I rarely wear my sweater Saya jarang memakai sweater saya --- We are rarely happy Kami jarang bahagia --- She hardly ever go on holiday. Dia hampir tidak pernah pergi berlibur.
9 |
Tidak Pernah |
0 % |
She never drinks coffee Dia tidak pernah minum kopi --- They never talk to each other Mereka tidak pernah berbicara satu sama lain
Questions Pertanyaan |
Anwers Jawaban
1 |
What time do you usually wake up ? Jam berapa biasanya kamu bangun |
I usually wake up at 6 in the morning Saya biasanya bangun jam 6 pagi
2 |
How often do you watch TV ? Seberapa sering Anda menonton TV ?
I always watch TV in the afternoon Saya selalu menonton TV di sore hari |
3 |
How often do you go to the library ? Seberapa sering kamu pergi ke perpustakaan? (cerah) |
I go to the library 3 times a week Saya pergi ke perpustakaan 3 kali seminggu |
4 |
How often do you practice basketball ? Seberapa sering Anda berlatih basket? |
I usually practice basketball three times a week Saya biasanya berlatih basket tiga kali seminggu |
5 |
What do you usually do in the afternoon ? Apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan di sore hari? |
I usually play football Saya biasanya bermain sepak bola |
6 |
Do you often listen to the radio ? Apakah Anda sering mendengarkan radio?
Yes, I do . I usually listen to the radion in the morning Ya, saya lakukan. Saya biasanya mendengarkan radion di pagi hari
7 |
Do you always drink milk every morning ? Apakah Anda selalu minum susu setiap pagi? |
No, I don’t . I drink orange juice Tidak. saya minum jus jeruk |
8 |
When does the winter usually begin ? Kapan musim dingin biasanya dimulai? |
The winter usually begins in december . Musim dingin biasanya dimulai pada bulan Desember. |
9 |
How often does she go swimming ? Seberapa sering dia pergi berenang? |
She sometimes goes swimming Dia kadang kadang pergi berenang |
10 |
Where do you usually eat lunch ? Dimana kamu biasanya makan siang |
I usually eat in the cafetaria Saya biasanya makan di kafetaria |
11 |
Are you ever sad ? Apakah kamu pernah sedih? |
Yes, Sometimes sad Ya kadang sedih |
12 |
How often do you watch TV ? Seberapa sering Anda menonton TV ? |
I watch TV twice a week Saya menonton TV dua kali seminggu |
13 |
Does Linda always make her bed ? Apakah Linda selalu merapikan tempat tidurnya?
Yes, She does Ya, Dia melakukannya |
14 |
Are you always happy ? Apakah kamu selalu bahagia?
Yes, I am Ya, benar |
15 |
How often are you late for class this week? Seberapa sering kamu terlambat masuk kelas minggu ini? |
I'm never late this week Saya tidak pernah terlambat dalam minggu ini |
16 |
Do you often get up late in the morning ? Apakah kamu sering bangun pagi?
No, I don’t Tidak, saya tidak |
17 |
Do you ever swim at the beach ? Apakah Anda pernah berenang di pantai?
Yes, I do Ya |
18 |
Is he often sick ? Apakah dia sering sakit? |
No, He is not Tidak |
19 |
Does she ever go to school by bike ? Apakah dia pernah pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda? |
Yes, She does Ya, Dia melakukannya |
20 |
How often do you wash your hair? Seberapa sering kamu mencuci rambut? |
I wash my hair twice a week Saya mencuci rambut saya dua kali seminggu |
More About Adverb Of Frequency Lebih Lanjut Tentang Kata Keterangan Keseringan
1 |
He always goes to school by a school bus |
Dia selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan bus sekolah
2 |
She usually helps her parents after school
Dia biasanya membantu orang tuanya sepulang sekolah |
3 |
Vegetables are generally low in calories.
Sayuran umumnya rendah kalori.
4 |
We often go out with our friends
Kami sering pergi keluar dengan teman-teman kami
5 |
They sometimes have dinner in a restaurant
Mereka terkadang makan malam di restoran
6 |
We seldom go to the beach
Kami jarang pergi ke pantai
7 |
You rarely visit your grandma
Anda jarang mengunjungi nenek Anda
8 |
I never swim in the sea
Saya tidak pernah berenang di laut
9 |
Sinta is a diligent student. She always helps her mother cleaning the house |
Sinta adalah murid yang rajin. Dia selalu membantu ibunya membersihkan rumah |
10 |
She usually watches TV in the evening
Dia biasanya menonton TV di malam hari
11 |
I often surf the internet
Saya sering berselancar di internet
12 |
He sometimes walks to school
Dia terkadang berjalan kaki ke sekolah
13 |
We seldom go to bed late
Kami jarang tidur larut malam
14 |
They rarely go hiking |
Mereka jarang pergi hiking
15 |
He's never been able to admit to his mistakes.
Dia tidak pernah bisa mengakui kesalahannya.
16 |
Tommy always eats lunch in the classroom |
Tommy selalu makan siang di kelas
17 |
I usually watch television in the evening |
Saya biasanya menonton televisi di malam hari |
18 |
I often see him in the garden.
Aku sering melihatnya di taman.
19 |
I sometimes see him in the street.
Saya kadang-kadang melihatnya di jalan.
20 |
Now that we have a baby, we seldom get the chance to go to the cinema. |
Sekarang kita punya bayi, kita jarang mendapat kesempatan untuk pergi ke bioskop. |
21 |
They rarely do their homework
Mereka jarang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah mereka (cerah
22 |
She almost never meets her parents
Dia hampir tidak pernah bertemu orang tuanya
23 |
I always make my bed |
Saya selalu membuat tempat tidur saya
24 |
She usualy takes a bag to school
Dia biasanya membawa tas ke sekolah
25 |
I am often nervous in front of people
Saya sering gugup di depan orang |
26 |
I sometimes walk with my cat |
Saya terkadang berjalan dengan kucing saya
27 |
We rarely see each other now.
Kami jarang bertemu sekarang.
28 |
Wars never solve anything.
Perang tidak pernah menyelesaikan apa pun.
29 |
I always do my homework after school |
Saya selalu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya setelah sekolah |
30 |
People usually like playing with snow in winter
Orang biasanya suka bermain salju di musim dingin
31 |
I don't often drink spirits.
Saya tidak sering minum minuman beralkohol |
32 |
She never come late to school |
Dia tidak pernah datang terlambat ke sekolah |
33 |
I always go fishing in the river |
Saya selalu pergi memancing di sungai |
34 |
She usually watches movies |
Dia biasanya menonton film
35 |
I often do exercise |
Saya sering berolahraga
36 |
Yuli always drinks coffee |
Yuli selalu minum kopi
37 |
I usually sweep the floor |
Saya biasanya menyapu lantai |
37 |
I often speak english |
Saya sering berbicara bahasa Inggris |
38 |
We always go to school at seven o’clock
Kami selalu berangkat ke sekolah pukul tujuh |
39 |
Brad usually practices tennis |
Brad biasanya berlatih tenis
40 |
You should always clean your teeth after meals.
Anda harus selalu membersihkan gigi setelah makan.
41 |
I usually wash my shoes |
Saya biasanya mencuci sepatu saya
42 |
They are never relaxed
Mereka tidak pernah santai
43 |
I always eat fast food |
Saya selalu makan makanan cepat saji |
44 |
I never litter
Saya tidak pernah membuang sampah sembarangan
45 |
They sometimes come home at 3 o’clock |
Mereka kadang pulang jam 3
46 |
I never read a book in bed |
Saya tidak pernah membaca buku di tempat tidur
47 |
I sometimes go shopping |
Saya terkadang pergi berbelanja |
48 |
I never cook dinner |
Saya tidak pernah memasak makan malam |
49 |
A bird always flies on the air
Itu selalu terbang di udara
50 |
I never go camping |
Saya tidak pernah pergi berkemah |
51 |
I always study with my friends |
Saya selalu belajar dengan teman-teman saya |
52 |
Do you often watch TV ?
Apakah Anda sering menonton TV ? |
53 |
Are you always here every Sunday ?
Apakah Anda selalu di sini setiap hari Minggu? |
Contoh Soal
They ... get a good score because they are very lazy.
--- Dewi : What time is the flag ceremony on Monday ? Shinta : It....begins at 7 o’clock
--- She never ... late
--- What time ... you usually go to school ?
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Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
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Irregular Verb, Kata Kerja Tidak Teratur
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Adverb of Frequency , Keterangan Keseringan
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BalasHapusSangat membantu dan sangat bagusss
BalasHapusMenjadi lebih mengerti tentang materi ini
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat membantu dan mudah dipahami. Terimakasih gmes english
BalasHapusMatarinya sangat membantu sekali, terimakasih Pak
BalasHapusSangat membantu.
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat bermanfaat pakπππ Terimakasih π
BalasHapusMaterinya Sangat Bermanfaat, terimakasih... π
BalasHapusthank's for you
BalasHapus#first komen
HapusMakasih pak Joko materinya Sangat membantu mengerjakan soalππ
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusTerimakasih pak joko, materinya sangat membantu
BalasHapusTerimakasih pak Joko berkat materi dari bapak saya menjadi lebih mengerti
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat mudah dipahami dan sangat membantu
BalasHapusTerimakasih untuk penulis materi ini karena sangat bermanfaat untuk masa depan saya.
BalasHapusMateri ini membantu saya memahami tentang keterangan keseringan/frequency
BalasHapusthe material is very easy to understand, Thnk u
BalasHapusVery helped me❤️
BalasHapusthank you, the material was very helpful
BalasHapusthis material is very very helpful in my future
BalasHapusThanks Mr.Joko, this theory is very helpful
BalasHapusthe material is very helpful, thank you gmes englishπ
BalasHapusthe material is very helpfulππ
BalasHapusMakasih pak Joko materinya sangat membantuππ
BalasHapusmaterial that really helped me
BalasHapusMateri sangat bagus
BalasHapusuh she up material is good
BalasHapusTerima kasih pak joko materinya sangat membantu
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThanks.gmes Inggris
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat membantu saya
BalasHapusThank you gmes english
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat membantu
Thank you gmesenglish
BalasHapusthank you gmes english the material is very helpfulππ
BalasHapusthank you gmes english the material is easy to understand
BalasHapusMaterial is good
BalasHapusmaterinya sangat membantu ππ»
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusThanks GMES,very helpfulπ
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusMaterinya membantu saya untuk belajar dan mudah dipahami
BalasHapusMaterial ia very helpful
BalasHapusthe material is very useful and helpful, thanks gmesenglish
BalasHapusThank you gmes english
BalasHapusThe material is very helpful,, thank you gmesenglish
BalasHapusMaterinya mudah dipahami dan membantu thx..
BalasHapusSangat membantu thx
BalasHapusTerimakasih materi sangat membantu
BalasHapusthank you sir, the material is very helpfulπ
BalasHapusTerimakasih materinya
BalasHapusThank you sir material is good
BalasHapusThank you sir material id good πππ
BalasHapusThank you Sir for the explanation
BalasHapusThank you sir, the material is easy to understand and very helpful
BalasHapusthank you sir the material is very helpfulππΌ
BalasHapusthanks for the material
BalasHapusthanks for the material
BalasHapusthanks sir
BalasHapusthank you mr. this material very helpfull
BalasHapusthank you sir, the material is very helpful
BalasHapusThank you sir, i learned alot from the material
BalasHapusThank you sir, the material is easy understand
BalasHapusIts material is easy to understand and study
BalasHapusmateri sangat mudah dipahami dan sangat membantuππ»
BalasHapusThanks you sir, the material ia very helpful
BalasHapusthank you sir, the material is very helpful and easy to understand
BalasHapusThank you sir, the material is very halpful
BalasHapusThank You sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThis material is very useful for study english,Thank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusIs good
BalasHapusThank you mr joko
BalasHapusthank you, sir
BalasHapusthank you sir
BalasHapusthx u sir
BalasHapusthank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThanks sir
BalasHapusThis is very helpful and very useful Mr Joko
BalasHapusgood , andrian nub
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThe material is very good and useful ππΌππΌ
BalasHapusthanks you sirr
BalasHapusThank you, Mr Joko, the material is very good and easy to understand, thank you sir
BalasHapusThe material is very helpful and easy to understand
BalasHapusThe lessons are very easy to understand. Thank you Mr Joko
BalasHapusMateri nya bagus banget rugi kalo ngga baca sihh kalian harus baca ini lengkap banget gais πππ»
BalasHapusThe material is very useful, thank you Mr Joko