Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017
Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Jogja , Les Bahasa Inggris di Jogja, Les Inggris SMP Jogja ,Les Inggris SMA Jogja, Les TOEFL Jogja, Rekomendasi Kursus Bahasa Inggris Jogja
Alamat kami :
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kls 9 SMP
Alamat kami :
Struktur Materi Bahasa Inggris SMA KLS 12
Pengayaan Materi :
Alamat kami :
Struktur Materi TOEFL
1 |
Listening Comprehension |
a. The Main Topic of The Conversation b. The Place and Time of The Conversation c. The Speakers ( Pembicara) d. Main Ideas ( Pikiran Utama) e. Detail Conversation f. Implication ( Maksud ) a. Suggestion/Advice ( Saran) b. Computation ( Perhitungan) c. Understanding Negative Expression d. Agreement and Disagreement e. Restatement f. Speaker’s View ( Pandangan pembicara) g. Conclusion ( Kesimpulan) h. Detailed Information (Who,What,Where,When, How... ) i. The purpose of the conversation
2 |
Structure And Written Expression
a. Tenses b. Gerund c. To infinitive d. Concord ( Kesesuaian Kalimat) e. Passive Voice ( Kalimat Passive) f. Pronouns ( Kata Ganti) g. Conjuction ( Kata Hubung) h. Preposition ( Kata Depan) i. Active Participle j. Derivatives k. Conditional Sentence l. Subjunctive m. Preference n. Dependent And Independent Clause o. Word Order ( Susun Kata) p. Modal q. Causative r. Elliptical Construction s. Parallelism
3 |
Reading Comprehension
a. Topic b. Stated Detail Questions c. Unstated Detail Questions d. Implied Detail Questions e. Vocabulary in Context /Synonym f. Reference Questions g. Purpose Questions h. Question Words ( Who, What, Where, When, Which, How...... )
Pengayaan Materi
1 |
Writing ( Menulis) |
2 |
Learning English through the song ( Belajar B. Inggris lewat lagu) |
3 |
Learning English through the film ( Belajar B. Inggris lewat film) |
4 |
Short Conversation ( Percakapan Pendek) |
Alamat kami :
Bantuan petunjuk transportasi :
Struktur Program Conversation Percakapan
No |
Topic |
Language Focus |
1 |
Personal Information Informasi diri |
Question and Answer |
2 |
First Day At English School Hari pertama di Sekolah Bahasa Inggris |
Simple Present Tense |
3 |
At The Party Di Pesta |
Pronoun |
4 |
Discussing Future Activities Berdiskusi kegiatan akan datang |
Simple Future Tense |
5 |
At The Zoo Di Kebun Binatang |
Past Tense Recount Text |
6 |
A Musical Show Pertujukan Musik |
Present Perfect Tense |
7 |
Reunion Reuni |
Degree of Comparation |
8 |
At the Bus Station Di Stasiun Bis |
Elliptic Sentence |
9 |
Class Meeting Program Program Pertemuan Kelas |
Question Tag |
10 |
At The Shop Di Toko |
Quantity Expression |
11 |
A School Canteen Di Kantin Sekolah |
Reading Strategy |
12 |
On The Phone Di Telepon |
Conditional Sentence |
13 |
To The Post Office Di Kantor Pos |
Auxiliary Verb |
14 |
The Art Of Bargaining Seni menawar |
Past Continous Tense |
15 |
Talking About Hobby Berbicara tentang hobby |
Gerund |
16 |
Visiting Berkunjung |
Passive Voice |
17 |
Seeing Film Menonton film |
Direct and Direct Speech |
18 |
Free Speaking Bicara bebas |
Speaking and Listening |
19 |
Queen Marry, An Ocean Queen |
Reading/Concord |
20 |
Watching Film Menonton Film |
Listening |
21 |
Test Dictation |
Evaluasi memory |
22 |
An Interview with A singer Wawancara dengan penyanyi |
Present Perfect Continous Tense |
23 |
At The Hotel Dihotel |
Present Participle |
24 |
In The Restaurant Di Restauran |
Preference |
At The Boarding House Di tempat Kos |
Adjective Clause |
26 |
A Trip To The Beach Wisata Ke Pantai |
Reading Strategy / Past Perfect Tense |
27 |
A School Party Di pesta sekolah |
Causative |
28 |
Listening Activity Kegitan Mendengarkan |
Listening |
29 |
Going To Bali Pergi ke Bali |
Noun Group |
30 |
Interview In English Wawancara Dalam Bahasa Inggris |
Speaking |
Pengayaan Materi |
1 |
Writing ( Menulis) |
2 |
Learning English through the song ( Belajar B. Inggris lewat lagu) |
3 |
Learning English through the film ( Belajar B. Inggris lewat film) |
Postingan terkait, :
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Practice Test A 1 New
Practice Test A 2
Practice Test A 3
Minggu, 16 Juli 2017
Practice Test A 1
Postingan terkait, Klik dibawah ini :
Les Inggris SMP Jogja
Les TOEFL Jogja
Hitung Nilai TOEFL
Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
Pronouns , Kata Ganti
Preposition , Kata Depan
Regular Verb, Kata Kerja Teratur
Irregular Verb, Kata Kerja Tidak Teratur
Question Words , Kata Tanya
Adverb of Frequency , Keterangan Keseringan
Peta Google Map ke GMES English Jogja
Practice Test A 1
Practice Test A 2
Postingan terkait, :
Les Inggris SMP di Jogja
Les Inggris SMA , SBMPTN dan STAN di Jogja
Les Conversation di Jogja
Les TOEFL di Jogja
Les IELTS di Jogja
Hitung Nilai TOEFL & IELTS
Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
Pronouns , Kata Ganti
Preposition , Kata Depan
Regular Verb, Kata Kerja Teratur
Irregular Verb, Kata Kerja Tidak Teratur
Question Words , Kata Tanya
Adverb of Frequency , Keterangan Keseringan
Practice Test A 1
Reporting Task
Klik , Peta Google Map ke GMES English Jogja
Klik , Google Translate
New Reporting Task
Jumat, 14 Juli 2017
Formulir Pendaftaran GMES English
Postingan terkait,Klik dibawah ini :
Les Inggris SMP Jogja
Les Inggris SMA Jogja
Les TOEFL Jogja
Hitung Nilai TOEFL
Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
Klik , Google Translate