Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Adjective Clause , Pengertian Adjective Clause , Rumus dan Contoh Adjective Clause , Soal Adjective Clause


Adjective Clause

Relative Clause


Adjective clause  dapat diartikan sebagai anak kalimat yang menerangkan kata benda bermakna YANG



The girl is Shinta

Anak perempuan itu Shinta

--- Hanya ada satu anak perempuan  yaitu Shinta saja( ditempat itu)

--- Simple sentence


The girl who is playing a guitar in the park is Shinta

Anak perempuan yang sedang bermain gitar di taman itu adalah Shinta

--- Banyak anak perempuan di taman itu selain Shinta

--- Complex Sentence

--- Merupakan bentuk Adjective Clause



Bentuk  :

Adjective Clause adalah kumpulan dua kata atau lebih  yang mengandung Subject dan Verb yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective)


Fungsi :

1.        Sebagai kata sifat yang menjelaskan kata benda didepannya

2.        Sebagai anak kalimat

3.        Benda yang dijelaskan menjadi lebih spesifik

4.        Adjective  --- menjelaskan benda

5.        Clause --- kumpulan kata memiliki Subject yang belum sempurna


Ciri cirinya : Agak rumit karena ada kalimat di dalam kalimat


Jenis Adjective Clause :


1.        Relative pronoun --- Who/Whom/Whose/Which/That

2.        Relative Adverb --- Where /when/why


Petunjuk kata/tanda  untuk :


1.        Manusia --- Who/Whom/Whose /that

2.        Benda --- Which/that

3.        Tempat --- Where / in which

4.        Waktu --- When / on which

5.        Alasan --- Why


Catatan : that ( yang) bisa untuk manusia atau benda






Sebagai kata sifat menerangkan manusia


Manusia + Who + Verb








The boy  is my brother    --- utama

Anak laki-laki itu adalah saudaraku

The boy is playing tennis --- sisipan

Anak laki-laki itu sedang bermain tenis


Digabung menjadi :

The boy who is playing tennis  is  my brother

                      S                          V           C


Anak laki-laki yang bermain tenis adalah saudaraku


Diperpendek menjadi :

The boy playing tennis  is  my brother


                S                    V         C

Anak laki-laki yang bermain tenis adalah saudara lelakiku


I know the boy who is playing tennis

S  V                          O

Saya kenal anak laki=laki  yang bermain tenis


Sebagai kata sifat menerangkan manusia

Manusia + Whose + benda



Mr. Rudy  teaches math.  --- utama

Pak Rudy mengajar matematika.

His son won the race --- sisipan

Putranya memenangkan perlombaan

Mr. Rudy whose son won the race  teaches  math

Pak Rudy yang putranya memenangkan perlombaan mengajar matematika


Sebagai kata sifat menerangkan manusia

Manusia + whom + S

The man   was Mr. Jones  --- utama

Pria itu adalah Tuan Jones

I saw him yesterday --- sisipan

Saya melihatnya kemarin


The man whom I saw yesterday was Mr. Jones


Pria yang saya lihat kemarin adalah Tuan Jones


The man that I saw was Mr. Jones

Pria yang saya lihat adalah Mr. Jones

The man [ ] I saw was Mr. Jones

Pria [] yang saya lihat adalah Tuan Jones










Sebagai kata sifat menerangkan manusia

Benda + Which....




The food  is delicious  --- utama

Makanannya enak

I eat the food every week --- sisipan

Saya makan makanan setiap minggu


The food which  I eat everyweek is delicious







Place ( Tempat)



Sebagai kata sifat menerangkan tempat

Tempat + where+.....

Tempat + in which+.....


The house   is big --- utama

Rumahnya besar

I live  in the house --- sisipan

Saya tinggal di rumah


The house where I live is big

Rumah tempat tinggal saya besar


Bisa diganti dengan :


The house in which I live is big

Rumah dimana saya tinggal (adalah) besar

Rumah tempat saya tinggal itu besar






Time ( waktu)


Day (hari), Week ( minggu), Month ( bulan) , Century ( abad)




The APEC conference was held in November 1994

Konferensi APEC diadakan pada November 1994


The APEC conference was held in Bogor

Konferensi APEC diadakan di Bogor




November 1994 was the month when the APEC converence was held  in Bogor


November 1994 adalah bulan ketika konferensi APEC diadakan di Bogor



Soal :


Dita  : Why is November 1994 important in

            the history of Indonesia

Evan : It was the month...... the APEC

            conference was` held

a.        which      

b.         where   

c.         that     

d.         when  

e.         by which








Why ( alasan)




She studies english because

English is the international language


Dia belajar bahasa Inggris karena

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional



I know the reason why she studies english

Saya tahu alasan mengapa dia belajar bahasa Inggris




Contoh Soal

Adjective Clause




I appreciate the man ... had given his money to the poor


a.        which

b.        where

c.        whom

d.        whose

e.        who



The girl ... boy friend died last week is still very sad now


a.        who      

b.        whom   

c.        which 

d.        whose 

e.         of which



Fanny : Do you know the man ... I met in the party last night ?

              He is Mr. Edi


Adam : Really ?


a.        who  

b.        whom

c.        which

d.        whose

e.        of which



She often meets the author ... her brother gave an interesting novel

a.        who  

b.        whose

c.        whom

d.        which

e.        where


Fredy : Are you sure that the criminal will get punishment soon

Anton : Yes , I am certain .

             The criminal ... the police caught last week will be taken into jail


a.        whom

b.        which

c.        who

d.        whose

e.        to whom


Mia : Mom, who buys these vegetables ?

Mom : The woman ... hair is long


a.        who  

b.        whom

c.        which

d.        whose

e.        where


The man works in my father’s office . My mother is talking to him

The best combination of the above sentences is ...

a.        The man who is tallking to him works in my father’s office  

b.        The man whom my mother is talking to works in my father’s office

c.        The man whose my mother is talking to works  in my father’s office

d.        The man which my mother is talking to works in my father’s office

e.        The man who works in my father’s office my mother is talking to him


The boy is very intelligent

His father is a rich bussinesman

We can combine the two sentences into ...


The boy ... father is a rich businessman is very intelligent


a.        whose

b.        whom

c.        who

d.        which

e.        of which


Agus : Do you know the man

           I have talked to him but I don’t remember who he is

Lusi : The man ... you have just talked to is Mr. Rudi


a.        whose

b.        which

c.        of which

d.        who

e.        whom



Dewa : Do you know Mrs Rina ?

Agus   : Yes ,Of course . Mrs Rina is a fat woman ... son is very naughty

a.        who

b.        whom

c.        whose

d.        which

e.        of which


The girl is my own classmate, Dewi

She has the most beautiful eyes in my school

The good combination of the two sentences above is ...

a.        The girl who has the most beautiful eyes in my school is my own classmate , Dewi

b.        The girl is my own clasmate, Dewi whose the most beautiful eyes

c.        The girl whom has the most beautiful eyes in my school is my own clasmate, Dewi

d.        The girl who is my own classmate has the most beautiful eyes

e.        Dewi has the most beautiful eyes which is in my school



Pubs are place ... people relax , chat , make friends sometimes has light meals, play darts and of course drink


a.        which

b.        who

c.        where

d.        when

e.        whom



The students ... the teacher was really angry with realized their mistakes and asked apologize then


a.        who

b.        whose

c.        which

d.        whom

e.        of which




Marga T was a talented writer ... novel won the prize in the national competition last year


a.        who

b.        whom

c.        which

d.        where

e.        whose



The woman is a daughter of our former president.

Our country is led by her now

The correct combination of these sentences is ...


a.        The woman to whom our country is led now is a daughter of our former President

b.        The woman by whom our country is led now is a daughter of our former President

c.        The woman for whom our country is led now is a daughter of our former President

d.        The woman from whom our country is led now is a daughter of our former President

e.        The woman with whom our country is led now is a daughter of our former President


Armin : Who is the most beautiful girl in this class ?

Jeffry : Elisabeth : ... I love , is the most beautiful



a.        that

b.        who

c.        whom

d.        whose

e.        of which


Bagyo : Doyou know WR . Supratman ?

Lelia   : Well , he is the composer ... people consider

              one of the greatests in Indonesia


a.        to whom

b.        for whom

c.        whose

d.        who

e.        with whom







Alamat kami :

Gadjah Mada English School (GMES)


Jl. Kadipaten Kulon No 27 B, Kraton, Yogyakarta

( Barat Pasar Ngasem Yogyakarta)


Phone /SMS/WA : 0812 274 7050


Website :


Bantuan Transportasi :

Google Map          : tulis “ gmes english”

GO - JEK               : tulis “ gmes english”

Grab                       : tulis “ gmes english”









" A Man Without Ambition is Like A Bird Without Wings , Manusia tanpa cita cita bagaikan seekor burung tanpa sayap" 

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