Comparing 2 texts Membandingkan 2 teks
Jenis pertanyaan :
Apa maksud penulis menulis teks?
Apa yang mungkin dilakukan orang setelah membaca teks?
Apa manfaat yang mungkin didapat orang setelah membaca kedua teks tersebut?
Siapa yang mungkin tertarik untuk membaca teks?
Penulis teks tersebut mungkin adalah ….
Apa manfaat yang didapat orang dengan membaca teks?
Manakah dari langkah berikut yang sejalan dengan kedua teks tersebut?
Dari teks tersebut kita dapat menemukan beberapa perbedaan antara burung hantu dan elang dalam hal….
Part A
Text 1 How To Operate An Electronic Rice Cooker Cara Mengoperasikan Rice Cooker Elektronik
Cuci panci masak dan pastikan bagian dalamnya bersih.
Takar beras dengan menggunakan gelas takar dan masukkan beras ke dalam panci masak. Pastikan memberi ruang untuk beras, air dan pemuaian.
Bilas beras agar kita bisa menghilangkan pestisida yang mungkin ada.
Tambahkan sedikit air ke dalam panci masak, biasanya kita perlu melihat ketinggian air 1cm di atas permukaan nasi.
Rendam nasi kurang lebih 30 menit agar nasi yang dimasak lebih lengket.
Masukkan panci masak beserta nasi dan air ke dalam Rice Cooker.
Tutup penutup Rice Cooker lalu colokkan kabel ke stopkontak listrik.
Nyalakan Rice Cooker dengan menekan tombol Cooking/ Timer.
Tunggu hingga proses memasak selesai.
Buka tutupnya dan nasi siap dihidangkan.
Text 2 How To Use A Blender Bagaimana mengunakan blender
Siapkan bahan yang ingin dicampur. Bahan-bahannya bisa bermacam-macam, tapi kebanyakan orang menggunakan blender untuk hal-hal berikut ini: Es, sayuran, buah-buahan, susu, atau segala jenis makanan dan minuman.
Potong bahan menjadi potongan-potongan kecil jika bahan padat dan besar.
Siapkan gelas blender, pastikan untuk membersihkannya sebelum kita gunakan dan letakkan pisau blender di bagian bawah
Tempatkan cangkir blender pada mesin blender.
Masukkan steker ke soket listrik.
Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam cangkir blender.
Tambahkan air untuk membantu blender mencampur bahan secara merata.
Tutup penutupnya dan tutup cangkir blender dengan rapat.
Jalankan blender dengan menekan tombol kecepatan, bisa dimulai dari kecepatan sedang
Tunggu sampai kita mendapatkan tekstur adonan yang pas, kita bisa mengatur kecepatannya dan juga menambahkan air lagi jika perlu.
Buka blender dan tuangkan campuran ke dalam gelas atau mangkuk.
No.1 What benefits do people get by reading the text? Apa manfaat yang didapat orang dengan membaca teks?
No. 2 Which of the following step is in line with both text? Manakah dari langkah berikut yang sejalan dengan kedua teks tersebut?
"Soak the rice for about 30 minutes “Rendam beras kurang lebih 30 menit What does the underlined word “ soak” mean? Apa arti kata “ rendam” yang digarisbawahi?
PART B Text A Paragraph 1 Owls are carnivorous birds that belong to the order Strigiformes. Burung hantu adalah burung karnivora yang termasuk dalam ordo Strigiformes. They are nocturnal birds who love to hunt rats by night. They are divided into the Strigidae family (usually known as true owls) and Tytonidae family (usually known as barn-owls). Mereka adalah burung nokturnal yang suka berburu tikus di malam hari. Mereka dibagi menjadi keluarga Strigidae (biasanya dikenal sebagai burung hantu sejati) dan keluarga Tytonidae (biasanya dikenal sebagai burung hantu). They inhabit almost all regions of the world except for Antarctica and some remote islands. Mereka mendiami hampir semua wilayah di dunia kecuali Antartika dan beberapa pulau terpencil. Paragraph 2 They have a large and round head with forward-facing eyes and ear holes. Mereka memiliki kepala besar dan bulat dengan mata menghadap ke depan dan lubang telinga. Their beak is similar to a hawk's beak. Paruh mereka mirip dengan paruh elang. They have a very flexible neck which allows them to turn their head around facing the back side without even moving their body. Mereka memiliki leher yang sangat fleksibel yang memungkinkan mereka memutar kepala menghadap ke belakang tanpa menggerakkan tubuh mereka Their tail is short but their wings are very wide. . Ekornya pendek tapi sayapnya sangat lebar. The length of their wings are almost three times larger than their body when they spread it. Panjang sayap mereka hampir tiga kali lebih besar dari tubuh mereka saat dibentangkan. They have special feathers which allow them to perform a silent flight so they can attack the prey undetected. Mereka memiliki bulu khusus yang memungkinkan mereka melakukan penerbangan diam-diam sehingga mereka dapat menyerang mangsanya tanpa terdeteksi.
Text B Paragraph 1 Eagle is a large predatory bird from the family of Accipitridae. Elang adalah burung predator besar dari keluarga Accipitridae. There are around 60 species of eagle in the world. Ada sekitar 60 spesies elang di dunia. Their keen eyesight along with their powerful talons have made them to be the apex predators in the avian world. Penglihatan mereka yang tajam bersama dengan cakar yang kuat telah membuat mereka menjadi predator puncak di dunia burung. They prey mainly on small mammals such as rats, squirrels, rabbits and also chicken, fish, snake and sheep. Mereka memangsa terutama mamalia kecil seperti tikus, tupai, kelinci dan juga ayam, ikan, ular dan domba. Paragraph 2 Eagles have large bodies compared to other predatory birds.
Elang memiliki tubuh yang besar dibandingkan dengan burung predator lainnya. They have a muscular body with two very large wings and long tail covered with aerodynamic feathers which make them a powerful flying predator.
Mereka memiliki tubuh berotot dengan dua sayap yang sangat besar dan ekor panjang yang ditutupi bulu aerodinamis yang menjadikan mereka predator terbang yang kuat. They have a large hooked beak that they use to rip flesh off their prey. Mereka memiliki paruh bengkok besar yang mereka gunakan untuk merobek daging mangsanya. Their keen eyes are located on each side of the head.
Mata tajam mereka terletak di setiap sisi kepala. They also have two muscular legs with very powerful talons that allow them to grab their prey tightly and bring it to the air with them. Mereka juga memiliki dua kaki berotot dengan cakar yang sangat kuat yang memungkinkan mereka menangkap mangsanya dengan erat dan membawanya ke udara bersama mereka.
No.4 What will be the most suitable topic for the third paragraph of the texts?
No.5 From the texts we can find some differences between owls and eagles in terms of their ….
No.6 Owls and eagles are special flying predators … they have special feathers. Which of the following words are suitable to complete the sentence? (1) so (2) for (3) that (4) since
a. (1) and (2) b. (1) and (4) c. (2) and (4) d. (3) and (4)
Text 1
How to Make a Garden Salad Cara Membuat Salad Taman
Ingredients: Bahan-bahan:
• 1 head Romaine lettuce 1 kepala selada romaine • 1 tomato 1 tomat • ¼ purple onion ¼ bawang ungu • ½ cucumber ½ mentimun • 1 carrot 1 wortel
• 3 tablespoons olive oil 3 sendok makan minyak zaitun • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1 sendok makan cuka anggur putih • Pinch of salt Sejumput garam • Dash of pepper Sejumput lada
Method: Metode:
Potong selada menjadi potongan-potongan kecil. Cuci dan keringkan mereka. Daunnya harus kering, kalau tidak berpakaian tidak akan menempel pada mereka.
Potong tomat menjadi irisan. Anda juga bisa menggunakan tomat ceri atau anggur utuh. Anda dapat gunakan utuh atau potong menjadi dua.
Iris bawang bombay dan mentimun.
Potong wortel menjadi irisan tipis, atau parut
Untuk membuat sausnya, tuang semua bahan ke dalam toples.
Tutup penutupnya dengan rapat dan kocok toples sampai habis dari bahan digabungkan.
Masukkan semua sayuran ke dalam mangkuk dan aduk mereka bersama.
Tuang saus ke dalam salad dan aduk. You can add as much or as little dressing as you like. Anda dapat menambahkan saus sebanyak atau sesedikit mungkin kamu suka.
(Adapted from Garden-Salad)
(Diadaptasi dari Taman-Salad)
Text 2
Sri Lankan Fruit Salad Salad Buah Sri Lanka
Ingredients: Bahan-bahan:
Potongan nanas (dalam hal ini, yang dikalengkan adalah Bagus)
Gula (jika Anda mau)
Cuci buah-buahan Anda (jeruk, kiwi, anggur,apel).
Buka kaleng nanas dan tiriskan potongan nanas ke dalam mangkuk.
Kupas dan potong jeruk, kiwi, dan apelpotongan seukuran gigitan dan dimasukkan ke dalam mangkuk.
Ambil buah anggur dari batangnya dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk.
Lalu tambahkan 1/4 sdt gula (sesuai selera keinginan).
Tambahkan jus lemon ke dalam mangkuk buah.
Campurkan buah-buahan menjadi satu.
Masukkan salad buah yang lezat ke dalam cangkir pencuci mulut dan sajikan untuk keluarga Anda.
(Adapted from Lankan-Fruit-Salad)
(Diadaptasi dari Lanka-Buah-Salad)
No.8 What benefit will people likely get after reading the two texts? Apa manfaat yang mungkin didapat orang setelah membaca kedua teks tersebut?
No.9 The first thing to consider in making the two types of salad is to …. Hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat kedua jenis rujak tersebut adalah….
No.10 Which of the following descriptions go with the recipes? Manakah dari deskripsi berikut yang sesuai dengan resepnya? (1) We need olive oil as a dressing for both salads. (2) The two dishes don’t need to be cooked over the fi re. (3) Both dishes use fresh ingredients that are high in fi bber. (4) We should avoid using salt as fl avouring in these salads. a. (1) and (2) b. (2) and (3) c. (2) and (4) d. (3) and (4)
No. 11 The desserts should be … served when still fresh. Makanan penutup harus… disajikan saat masih segar. What is the correct adverb to complete the sentence? Apa adverb yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat? a. immediately b. hurriedly c. instantly d. newly
Sending Files using WhatsApp on computer. Mengirim File menggunakan WhatsApp di komputer.
Buka browser di komputer Anda dan buka dan Anda akan melihat QR Kode.
Buka WhatsApp di Ponsel Android Anda > ketuk ikon Menu 3-titik > WhatsApp Web di menu drop-down.
Pindai Kode QR di komputer Anda menggunakan ponsel pintar Anda.
Setelah Kode QR dipindai oleh ponsel Anda, Anda akan segera melihat semua pesan WhatsApp di komputer Anda.
Buka Pesan Baru atau Pesan yang sudah ada dari orang yang ingin Anda kirimi File. Ketuk ikon Pin yang terletak di sudut kanan atas layar Anda.
Dari daftar drop-down opsi lampiran, klik ikon Dokumen untuk mengirim PDF atau semua jenis File Dokumen atau Ikon Foto untuk mengirim Foto dan Video.
Di jendela pop-up, cari File yang ingin Anda kirim dan klik dua kali.
Setelah File dilampirkan ke Pesan WhatsApp, klik tombol Kirim untuk mengirim File ke Kontak WhatsApp Anda.
Text 2
Sending PDF Files Using WhatsApp On Android Phone Mengirim File PDF Menggunakan WhatsApp Di Android Telepon
Dapatkan WhatsApp versi terbaru dari Google Play Store.
Buka WhatsApp Messenger di Ponsel atau tablet Android Anda dengan mengetuk ikon WhatsApp.
Pastikan Anda berada di tampilan Obrolan WhatsApp.
Di Layar Obrolan, temukan percakapan Kontak yang ingin Anda kirimi file PDF dan ketuk untuk membuka halaman Kontak.
Di halaman Kontak, ketuk ikon Pin yang terletak di bagian atas layar
Anda akan melihat menu Berbagi, ketuk ikon Dokumen.
Mengetuk ikon Dokumen akan membawa Anda ke layar Dokumen, di mana Anda akan dapat melihat semua File PDF, dokumen Word, dan lainnya yang tersedia di Ponsel Android Anda.
Jika File PDF tersedia di layar ini, cukup ketuk File PDF.
Anda akan melihat pop-up, ketuk Kirim untuk mengirim File PDF ke Kontak WhatsApp Anda.
No.12 What is the writer’s intention of writing the texts?
No.13 What is the last step of sending the files using WhatssApp? a. Double-click on the fi le in the pop-up window. b. Tap on the Document icon to see the files. c. Click on the Send button to send the files. d. Tap on the Pin icon to choose the files.
No.14 Why must we do the first step in the texts? a. To connect the two modes of WhatssApp. b. To activate the chats on WhatssApp. c. To sign up a WhatssApp account. d. To make WhatsApp ready to use.
No.15 The word “icon” in the texts has similar meaning to …
PART E Text A Paragraph 1 Strawberries are red, heart-shaped fruits. Stroberi berwarna merah, buah berbentuk hati. They are eaten fresh, often with cream. Mereka dimakan segar, seringkali dengan krim. They are also used as a filling for pastries, pies, and cakes. Mereka juga digunakan sebagai isian untuk kue kering, pai, dan kue. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, and they also contain iron and other minerals. Stroberi kaya akan vitamin C, dan juga mengandung zat besi dan mineral lainnya.
Paragraph 2 Strawberry plants grow in mild regions all over the world. The United States and Canada are leading producers of strawberries. Many countries have developed their own strawberry varieties to suit their climate. Tanaman stroberi tumbuh di daerah sejuk di seluruh dunia. Amerika Serikat dan Kanada adalah produsen stroberi terkemuka. Banyak negara telah mengembangkan varietas stroberi mereka sendiri sesuai dengan iklim mereka.
Paragraph 3 Strawberry plants grow close to the ground. At the top of the plant is the crown, from which the leaves sprout. The leaves have three hairy parts with jagged edges. White flowers grow in small groups on slender stalks. As the plant gets older, the crown sends out runners that spread over the ground and form new roots. This makes the plant bigger. Tanaman stroberi tumbuh dekat dengan tanah. Di bagian atas tanaman adalah mahkota tempat daun bertunas. Daunnya memiliki tiga bagian berbulu dengan tepi bergerigi. Bunga putih tumbuh kecil-kecil berkelompok pada batang ramping. Seiring bertambahnya usia tanaman, tajuk mengirimkan pelari yang menyebar ke tanah dan membentuk akar baru. Ini membuat tanaman lebih besar.
Paragraph 4 Botanists do not consider strawberries to be true berries. A true berry, such as a blueberry, is a single fruit that forms from a single flower.Strawberries are actually groups of small fruits that form from a single fl ower. Ahli botani tidak menganggap stroberi sebagai buah beri sejati. Berry sejati, seperti blueberry, adalah buah tunggal yang terbentuk dari satu bunga. Stroberi sebenarnya adalah kelompok buah kecil yang terbentuk dari satu bunga.
Paragraph 5 Strawberries need to be stored in a cool and dry place after they have been picked. But they still do not stay fresh for very long. Some are frozen or canned to make them last longer.
Stroberi perlu disimpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering setelah dipetik. Tapi mereka tetap tidak segar untuk waktu yang lama. Beberapa dibekukan atau dikalengkan agar lebih tahan lama. (Taken from strawberry/433049)
Text 2 Blueberries are small, dark blue fruits that grow on bushes. They have a mildly tart taste. Blueberries are eaten fresh or used to make bakery goods and jams. They contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. Blueberry adalah buah kecil berwarna biru tua yang tumbuh di semak-semak. Mereka memiliki rasa yang agak asam. Blueberry dimakan segar atau digunakan untuk membuat roti dan selai. Mereka mengandung vitamin C, vitamin A, dan zat besi.
Blueberry bushes are found in woods and hilly areas of North America, Great Britain, northern Europe, and Asia. In the United States blueberries are grown in Maine, New Jersey, Michigan, and North Carolina. Semak blueberry ditemukan di hutan dan daerah perbukitan di Amerika Utara, Inggris Raya, Eropa utara, dan Asia. Di Amerika Serikat blueberry ditanam di Maine, New Jersey, Michigan, dan Karolina utara.
Blueberry bushes produce flowers in the spring. Each flower develops into a single berry. For this reason botanists consider blueberries to be true berries. Cranberries are also true berries. Some other berries, such as strawberries and raspberries, are actually clusters of small fruits that grow from a single flower. Semak blueberry menghasilkan bunga di musim semi. Setiap bunga berkembang menjadi satu buah beri. Untuk alasan ini ahli botani menganggap blueberry sebagai buah beri sejati. Cranberry juga merupakan buah beri sejati. Beberapa buah beri lainnya, seperti stroberi dan rasberi, sebenarnya adalah kumpulan buah kecil yang tumbuh dari satu bunga.
Blueberry bushes tend to produce too much fruit. This limits the size of the fruit. It also increases the time that it takes the fruit to grow to full size. Growers remove some flower buds from blueberry bushes to allow larger berries to grow in a shorter time. They also have improved the plants to produce better-tasting fruit. Semak blueberry cenderung menghasilkan terlalu banyak buah. Ini membatasi ukuran buah. Ini juga meningkatkan waktu yang dibutuhkan buah untuk tumbuh hingga ukuran penuh. Petani membuang beberapa kuncup bunga dari semak blueberry untuk memungkinkan buah yang lebih besar tumbuh dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. Mereka juga telah memperbaiki tanaman untuk menghasilkan buah yang rasanya lebih enak.
(Taken from blueberry/433053)
No.16 The author of the texts is probably a ….
No.17 What will people probably do after reading the texts?
No. 18 Strawberry is not considered as a true berry because it …. a. grows close to the ground b. cannot be kept in the fridge for too long c. has small fruits but a huge single fl ower d. is not a single fruit that forms from a single flower
No . 19 “They also have improved the plants to produce better-tasting fruit.” (Text 2, the 4th paragraph) What does the underlined word refer to? a. The bushes. b. The growers. c. The fl ower buds. d. The larger berries.
PART F ( Notice)
Text 1 Please sanitise your hands Harap bersihkan tangan Anda
Stay safe Jaga keselamatan
Text 2
Food Safety Warning Peringatan Keamanan Pangan Wash hands Cuci tangan Only in this sink Hanya di wastafel ini
Statements: (1) The notices tell us to clean our hands. (2) The notices warn us to wash our hands. (3) The notices inform about how to wash hands. (4) The notices show one of the ways to keep healthy.
No. 20 Which statements are suitable for both notices? a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. 1 and 4
No. 21 What does the word “your “ in notice 1 probably refer to? a. The visitors. b. The factory. c. The janitor. d. The owner.
PART G ( Advertisement /Iklan)
Text 1
The best air purifiers for basements Pembersih udara terbaik untuk ruang bawah tanah Get rid of musty odors and dust downstairs Singkirkan bau apek dan debu di lantai bawah
Home Air Quality Guides Panduan Kualitas Udara Rumah
Text 2 The best portable air conditioners Pendingin udara portabel terbaik Save $ by cooling just the room you need Hemat $ dengan mendinginkan ruangan yang Anda butuhkan saja
Home Air Quality Guides Panduan Kualitas Udara Rumah
Read the following statements. (1) The customers will get some discounts. (2) The texts advertise household equipment. (3) The products can make the air fresh and cool. (4) The products are made by different factories.
No. 22 From the statements above, which are suitable for the text? a. 1 and 2 b. 3 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 1 and 4
No. 23 Who will probably be interested to read the texts? a. People who like to save money. b. People who want to have nice odors. c. People who want stay in a large room. d. People who want to make their room comfortable.
PART H ( Descriptive Text)
Text A Vlogging can be a great way to engage with your online audience and find new followers, and if you aren’t a fan of writing it can be an alternative way of getting your message out there. Vlogging bisa menjadi cara yang bagus untuk terlibat dengan audiens online Anda dan menemukan pengikut baru, dan jika Anda bukan penggemar menulis, ini bisa menjadi cara alternatif untuk menyebarkan pesan Anda. Vlog stands for a video blog or video log, and refers to a type of blog where most or all of the content is in a video format. Vlog adalah singkatan dari blog video atau log video, dan mengacu pada jenis blog yang sebagian besar atau semua kontennya dalam format video. Vlog posts consist of creating a video of yourself where you talk on a particular subject such as reporting or reviewing a product or an event. It can even serve as a way to share your artistic process or provide a tutorial guide on a creative practice or topic. Some vloggers even use it as a means to share new performance art or music they have created. In fact, just like blogs you can vlog about almost anything. Posting Vlog terdiri dari membuat video tentang diri Anda sendiri di mana Anda berbicara tentang subjek tertentu seperti melaporkan atau meninjau produk atau acara. Itu bahkan dapat berfungsi sebagai cara untuk membagikan proses artistik Anda atau memberikan panduan tutorial tentang praktik atau topik kreatif. Beberapa vlogger bahkan menggunakannya sebagai sarana untuk berbagi seni pertunjukan atau musik baru yang mereka buat. Faktanya, sama seperti blog, Anda dapat membuat vlog tentang hampir semua hal.
The term vlog is also used by video streamers or Youtuber’s who don’t use a blog but post scheduled updates via other means like YouTube and other video websites; their profile often promotes them as vloggers. You can also do live broadcasts from social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram. Istilah vlog juga digunakan oleh streamer video atau Youtuber yang tidak menggunakan blog tetapi memposting pembaruan terjadwal melalui cara lain seperti YouTube dan situs web video lainnya; profil mereka sering mempromosikan mereka sebagai vlogger. Anda juga dapat melakukan siaran langsung dari saluran media sosial seperti Facebook dan Instagram.
Once you create your video (and edit it to make it look and sound great), you can upload it online or embed the video within a post on your blog or website so your all followers can see your latest update. Setelah Anda membuat video Anda (dan mengeditnya agar terlihat dan terdengar bagus), Anda dapat mengunggahnya secara online atau menyematkan video di dalam kiriman di blog atau situs web Anda sehingga semua pengikut Anda dapat melihat pembaruan terbaru Anda. Taken from
Text B
A podcast is a series of spoken word, audio episodes, all focused on a particular topic or theme, like cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you like on your headphones, in the car or through speakers. Podcast adalah serangkaian kata yang diucapkan, episode audio, semuanya berfokus pada topik atau tema tertentu, seperti bersepeda atau startup. Anda dapat berlangganan acara dengan aplikasi di ponsel Anda dan mendengarkan episode kapan pun Anda suka di headphone, di mobil, atau melalui speaker.
Most podcasts today are audio only, even though video podcasts do exist. Podcasting has really grown out of a need for background content. That means something that can entertain, educate or inspire you in the background of other boring or rote activities. Sebagian besar podcast saat ini hanya berupa audio, meskipun podcast video memang ada. Podcasting benar-benar tumbuh dari kebutuhan akan konten latar belakang. Itu berarti sesuatu yang dapat menghibur, mendidik, atau menginspirasi Anda di latar belakang aktivitas membosankan atau hafalan lainnya.
For example, one of the most common ways people listen is in the car. You can’t watch video there, of course, so audio content is great. In the same way, podcasts are great for listening at the gym, while you’re mowing the lawn, or on your journey to work. Any moment of wasted time can be a moment for audio! Misalnya, salah satu cara paling umum orang mendengarkan adalah di dalam mobil. Anda tidak dapat menonton video di sana, tentu saja, jadi konten audionya bagus. Dengan cara yang sama, podcast sangat bagus untuk didengarkan di gym, saat Anda sedang memotong rumput, atau dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja. Setiap momen waktu yang terbuang bisa menjadi momen untuk audio! Of course, that means you need something to listen on, so you might need to get yourself a set of headphones to connect to your smartphone. Otherwise, connect up to your car via Bluetooth, or start listening on Echo or another smart speaker!
Tentu saja, itu berarti Anda memerlukan sesuatu untuk didengarkan, jadi Anda mungkin perlu membeli satu set headphone untuk terhubung ke ponsel cerdas Anda. Jika tidak, sambungkan ke mobil Anda melalui Bluetooth, atau mulailah mendengarkan Echo atau speaker pintar lainnya! Adapted from
What do the texts discuss? a. Video and audio websites. b. Vloggers and podcasters. c. Video and audio devices. d. Vlogs and podcasts.
Why are podcasts becoming more popular? a. They offer an easy way to absorb information while doing something else. b. They make people become more productive in spending time. c. They provide a lot of information on education and hobbies. d. They can be accessed through various devices.
PPAD Sleman
Which paragraph explains the benefits of having vlogs and listening to podcasts?
Text 1 Notice Please clean and disinfect machine after each use
Text 2 Notice Keeing your work area clean is part of your Job assignment Read the following statements: (1) The notices teach us to keep clean. (2) The notices command us to wash our hands. (3) The notices can be found in a factory or office. (4) The notices prohibit us to use the machine.
Which statements are suitable for both notices? A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4
What does the word “your” in notice 2 probably refer to? A. The visitor. B. The owner. C. The director. D. The worker.
Bantul 21
Text 1 The best cheap air purifiers Affordable &powerful options Enjoy clean air without high cost Home air quality guides
Text2 The best air purifiers for baby room Keep your child safe from harmful pollutants Home air quality guides
Read the following statements. (1) The products can make the air clean and fresh. (2) The texts persuade people to buy air purifiers. (3) The products are luxurious and expensive. (4) The products are made special for babies. From the statements above, which are suitable for the text? A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4
Who will probably be interested to read the texts? A. People who like cold air. B. People with a sleeping baby. C. People who want stay in a large room. D. People who like clean air in their room.
Text A |
Text B |
A |
Paragraph 1 |
Paragraph 4 |
B |
Paragraph 2 |
Paragraph 3 |
C |
Paragraph 3 |
Paragraph 2 |
D |
Paragraph 4 |
Paragraph 1 |
Text 1 Let us fully respect and comply with our country‟s benevolent lockdown for 21 days ordered by our government. Please, stay inside the house. Read your text books and the scripture, pray, gain more knowledge, draw and paint on paper, play indoor games, do positive constructive discussion, learn to be self-sufficient and accommodative, respect and love the family. Our prayers and best wishes are with you and the family. Thank you for attention. (
Text 2 The government ordered the immediate cancellation of schools to limit the spread of Covid-19. This cancellation also replies to all schools in Creek Public Schools. To be clear, this order means all students are to remain home from school indefinitely, effective immediately. Additionally, please do not attend schools to pick up books, personal belongings or resources for your children. We will be providing updates when this process will be available. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. ( |
Text1 |
Text 2 |
A |
Students at home.
Parents at home.
B |
Teachers at school.
Students at school.
C |
Parents at home.
Parents at school.
D |
Students at school. |
Teachers at home. |
“We will be providing updates when this process will be available.” The word „we‟ refers to …. A. The parents and students B. The students and teachers C. The parents and teachers D. The teachers and headmaster
Text 1
Supporting Your Health all year has never been so easy
An essential nutritient for many cells,including Heart Muscle cells
Helps support the immune system and antioxidant activity
Satiesfies the body’s vitamin E requirements
USP Verified Quality Supplement
Text 2 Let your Trunature shine
Helps support antioxidant activity and heart function
Help support normal CoQ10 levels in the blood
Helps support cellular energy production
Trunature Ginkgo biloba with Vinpocetine
36. Which of the followings go with the advertisements? 1) The products are dietary supplements. 2) The products can promote our immune system. 3) The products can help us to maintain our heart. 4) The products can help us to cure any diseases. A. (1) and (3) B. (2) and (4) C. (1), (2) and (3) D. (2), (3) and (4) 37. Who will likely be interested in reading the advertisements? A. The ones who want to be energetic. B. The ones who are not in good health. C. The ones who want to have good stamina. D. The ones who have problems of their heart.
Bentuk Phamlet( tulisan dan gambar)
Protect yourself and others from Covid-19
Wash your hands with soap and water often ( for at least 20 second ) Then dry
Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs
Don’t touch your eyes , nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Put ussed tissues in the bin or a bag immediatelly
For updates and more information on keeping yourself safe. Visit
Unite again covid-19
Text 2
Coronavirus Covid-19
Help prevent coronavirus
Wash your hands Cover your mouth if caughing or sneezing Avaid tauching your face Keep surface clean Stoping shaking hands and hugging
Keep a safe distance ( 2 m)
The virus spreads in sneeze and cough droplets, so regularly taking the above measures helps reduce the chance of it spreading
Visit HSE.Ie For update factual information and advice or call 1850241850 Protection from coronavirus It’s in our hands 38. The texts are published to …. A. inform the importance of staying healthy during pandemic B. remind people to do the health protocol anywhere C. make people aware of the danger of Covid 19 D. ensure that everyone is free from Covid 19 39. Which of the statements go well with the texts? (1) We have to rub our face frequently. (2) We have to touch any surfaces around. (3) We have to keep that cough under cover. (4) We have to keep our hands clean. A. (1) and (2) C. (2) and (3) B. (1) and (3) D. (3) and (4) 40. What do we have to do when coughing or sneezing? A. Cover it. B. Let it go. C. Ask for help. D. Consume medicine.
Text 1 Owls are carnivorous birds that belong to the order Strigiformes. They are nocturnal birds who love to hunt rats by night. They are divided into the Strigidae family (usually known as true owls) and Tytonidae family (usually known as barn-owls). They inhabit almost all regions of the world except for Antarctica and some remote islands. They have a large and round head with forward-facing eyes and ear holes. Their beak is similar to a hawk's beak. They have a very flexible neck which allows them to turn their head around facing the back side without even moving their body. Their tail is short but their wings are very wide. The length of their wings are almost three times larger than their body when they spread it. They have special feathers which allow them to perform a silent flight so they can attack the prey undetected.
Eagle is a large predatory bird from the family of Accipitridae. There are around 60 species of eagle in the world. Their keen eyesight along with their powerful talons have made them to be the apex predators in the avian world. They prey mainly on small mammals such as rats, squirrels, rabbits and also chicken, fish, snake and sheep. Eagles have large bodies compared to other predatory birds. They have a muscular body with two very large wings and long tail covered with aerodynamic feathers which make them a powerful flying predator. They have a large hooked beak that they use to rip flesh off their prey. Their keen eyes are located on each side of the head. They also have two muscular legs with very powerful talons that allow them to grab their prey tightly and bring it to the air with them.
What will be the most suitable topic for the third paragraph of the texts? A. Diet. B. Habitat. C. Anatomy. D. Reproduction.
From the texts we can find some differences between owls and eagles in terms of their …. A. tails and necks B. beaks and tails C. wings and heads D. beaks and wings
38. Owls and eagles are special flying predators … they have special feathers. Which of the following words are suitable to complete the sentence? (1) so (2) for (3) that (4) since
A. (1) and (2) B. (1) and (4) C. (2) and (4) D. (3) and (4)
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