Arrange The Words Menyusun Kata
Menyusun kata acak menjadi sebuah kalimat yang benar adalah sesuatu yang penting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
Kalau yang disusun hanya 3 kata pasti mudah karena tinggal cari mana Subjectnya , Kata Kerjanya (verb) dan Objectnya
Contoh A book – buy- I ( salah) Sebuah buku – membeli – saya
Susunan yg benar menjadi : I buy a book S V O Saya- membeli- sebuah buku ( benar)
Bukan :
A book buy I Sebuah buku membeli saya ( salah)
----- Namun di dalam soal ujian selalu terdiri dari lebih dari 3 kata bahkan sampai 8 kata maka harus tahu rumus urutannya contohnya
Susunan yang benar adalah :
Dewi will always buy a book happily at the shop tomorrow S AV Fre V O Ad Place Time Dewi akan selalu membeli buku dengan gembira di toko besok
Part A
1 |
2 |
4 |
Subject Subjek |
Aux Verb Kata kerja bantu |
Frequency Keterangan Keseringan
Verb Kata Kerja
Dewi |
Will |
Always |
buy |
Contoh lain:
She He It Father
Subject=1 ---- They We You She and You
Subject >1
Contoh lain :
will +V1 akan - can +v1 dapat - May+V1 boleh _ must +V1 harus - To Be -is ( S =1) -are (S>1) -am ==== has to +V1 harus ... - have to+V1 harus ... - had to+V1 harus ...
Contoh lain :
always selalu - usually biasanya - often sering - seldom jarang |
Contoh lain :
play bermain - write menulis - cut memotong - swim berenang |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Catatan : Regular Verb ( Kata Kerja teratur) Bentuk 2 dan 3 berakiran ed /d
Play (V1) Played (V2) Played (V3) Playing ( Ving)
----- Irregular Verb ( Kata Kerja tidak Teratur) Mohon dihapalkan saja daftarnya Write (V1) Wrote (V2) Written( V3) Writting (Ving)
will ( play -
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Object objek
Adverb Keterangan kata kerja --- Dengan .... ---- Caranya ...
Place Tempat |
Time waktu
a book 5 |
Happily 6 |
at the shop 7 |
Tomorrow 8 |
Contoh lain:
a guitar sebuah gitar - a car sebuah mobil
two cars dua mobil
----- an egg sebutir telur - an apple sebuah apel
five apples lima apel -- TV - meat daging |
Contoh lain:
Beautifully Dgn indahnya -- Slowly Dengan lambatnya |
Contoh lain:
In the class di kelas -- At the zoo di Bobin |
Contoh lain:
Everyday Setiap hari - Now Sekarang - Yesterday Kemarin - Last year tahun lalu
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Dewi will always buy a book happily at the shop tomorrow S AV F V O Ad P T
Dewi akan selalu membeli buku dengan gembira di toko besok
== She is a student S V O Dia seorang siswa ---
She is at the zoo now S Av P T Dia berada di kebun binatang sekarang
She was (AV2) at the zoo yesterday (T2) S Av P T Dia berada di kebun binatang kemarin
Part B
Auxiliary Verb ( AV) + V1 Kata Kerja bantu + V1 ----------------------------------------
Can – dapat sekarang , Could – dapat lampau
I can play (V1) a guitar now ( 100 %) Saya dapat bermain gitar sekarang Artinya : Saya bisa buktikan dapat bermain gitar sekarang ini ------ Bandingkan :
I could play(V1) a guitar 5 years ago ( 50%) Saya dapat bermain gitar 5 tahun yang lalu Artinya : Saya dapat bermain gitar sekarang ini ( karena masih berlatih )
Saya dapat (lupa sebagian) bermain gitar sekarang ini ( karena malas berlatih)
I may (study – Saya mungkin belajar bahasa inggris
I will (study – Saya akan belajar bahasa Inggris besok
I shalll (study – Saya seyogyanya belajar bahasa Inggris
Part C
Makna Has /Have /Had ada 3 yaitu
1. Mempunyai ( bila +benda) 2. Telah ( bila +V3) 3. Harus ( bila + to V1)
She has a book Dia mempunyai sebuah buku
They have bought 5 books Mereka telah membeli sebuah buku
I have to buy a book Saya harus membeli sebuah buku
NB : Buy (V1) Bought (V2) Bought (V3) Buying ( Ving Membeli
Subject = 1 ( He/She /it/ Father) + has / had +...
Subject > 1 ( We/They/You) + have /had +....
-- Khusus I ( saya)
I + have /Had + ....
Part D
Does / Do/Did Artinya :
No .1 ( tidak....)
She buys a book every week (+) Dia mebeli sebuah buku setiap minggu
She does not buy a book every week ( -) Dia tidak membeli sebuah buku setiap minggu
She bought (V2) a book yesterday ( T2) (+) Dia membeli sebuah buku setiap bulan
She did not buy a book yesterday ( -) Dia tidak membeli sebuah buku setiap bulan
----- They buy (V1) five books every month ( T1) (+) Mereka membeli 5 buah buku setiap bulan They do not buy five books every month (-) Mereka membeli 5 buah buku setiap bulan - They bought (V2) fivebooks last year (T2) (+) Mereka membeli 5 buah buku tahun lalu They did not buy 5 books last year(-) Mereka membeli 5 buah buku setiap bulan
No. 2 ( mengerjakan ...) She does the job everyday
She did the test yesterday
----------- No. 3 ( apakah .........?)
Does she study english everyday ? Apakah dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari? Jawab : Yes, She does Ya, Dia melakukannya --- Did she study english yesterday ? Apakah dia belajar bahasa Inggris kemarin? Jawab : Yes, She does Ya, Dia melakukannya
-------------------------- NB : Subject = 1 ( He/She /it/ Father) + does/ did +...
Subject > 1 ( We/They/You) + do /did +....
Khusus I ( saya)
I + do /did + ....
Part E
To Be ( is/am/are/be-was/were-been-being)
dianggap bentuk ke 1
She is a student of SMP now Dia (adalah) seorang siswa SMP sekarang
She is writing a letter now Dia sedang menulis surat sekarang
dianggap bentuk ke 2 ( lampau)
She was a student of SD 4 years ago Dia (adalah) seorang siswa SD 4 tahun yang lalu
Subject = 1 ( He/She /it/ Father) + is/ was +...
Subject > 1 ( We/They/You) + are / were +....
Khusus I ( saya)
I + am /was + ....
PART F Frequency ( Keseringan)
S+ Frequency+ Kata Kerja
I usually eat rice everyday ( +) Saya bisanya makan nasi setiap hari
---- I usually do not eat rice everyday ( +) Saya bisanya tidak makan nasi setiap hari
Part G
Adverb ( Keterangan kata kerja / cara)
Father drives (the car) carefully everyday (T1) Bapak mengemudikan mobil dengan hati hati setiap hari
Father does dot drive (the car) carefully everyday (T1) Bapak tidak mengemudikan mobil dengan hati hati setiap hari
Bandingkan :
Father drove ( the car) carefully yesterday(T2) Bapak mengemudikan mobil dengan hati hati kemarin
Father did not drive ( the car) carefully yesterday(T2) Bapak tidak mengemudikan mobil dengan hati hati kemarin
Part H
Adverb of Degree (AoD) ( Keterangan tingkat)
Rumus :
S + Aux Verb + (jumlah) + AoD + Adjective + Benda
Dewi is a very tall girl AoD + Adjective+ benda Dewi adalah seorang gadis yang sangat tinggi
---- NB : Contoh : Adjective ( kata sifat ) biasanya punya lawan kata
Tall ( tinggi) X short ( pendek)
Cheap (murah) X Expensive (mahal)
Part I Pengabungan 2 kalimat
No. 1 ( arti :.... yang...) Biasanya Subjectnya sama ____
S + Who + Verb + O + Verb utama Subject panjang + Verb utama
The boy is my friend ( Kalimat ke 1) S V C Anak laki-laki itu adalah temanku
The boy is playing a guitar ( Kalimat ke 2) S V O Anak laki-laki itu sedang bermain gitar
Kalimat diatas digabung menjadi :
The boy who is playing a guitar is my friend Subject Panjang V C
Anak laki-laki yang sedang bermain gitar adalah teman saya
= NB : S1 Man +Who+Verb/is/are/am – yang me .. sedang me ../be..
The girl who writes a letter is Dewi Gadis yang menulis surat adalah Dewi
No. 2 ( arti :.... yang....)
Biasanya Subject Kalimat 1 = Object Kalimat 2
S1 Man + Whom+ S2 – yang me.. sedang me .../be..
The girl is Dewi S V C Gadis itu adalah dewi
I met the girl at the zoo S V O Place Saya bertemu dengan gadis itu di kebun binatang
Digabung :
The girl whom I met at the zoo is Dewi Suject Panjang V C Gadis yang saya temui di kebun binatang adalah dewi
No. 3 ( artinya : ...yang mempunyai...) Biasanya terkait kepemilikan benda/ anak/saudara/keluarga
S1 Man +Whose + Benda – yang mempunyai...
The girl is Dewi S V C Gadis itu adalah Dewi
The girl has a beautiful bag S V o Gadis itu mempunyai tas yang indah
Digabung :
The girl whose a beautiful bag is Dewi Gadis yang mempunyai tas indah adalah Dewi
Part J Posisi Kata yang salah
Waspada susun kata :
No. 1
Kata dibwah ini jarang dibelakang kalimat :
They were preparing lunch while
She a guitar playing
They were preparing lunch while She was playing a guitar (benar) Mereka sedang mempersiapkan makan siang selagi dia sedang bermain gitar ---
No. 2 Kata depan (preposition) mohon tidak ditempatkan dibelakang sendiri
stayed and watched a film home Kami tinggal dan menonton film di rumah (Salah)
Bandingkan :
We stayed and watched a film at home ( Benar) Kami tinggal dan menonton film di rumah ( benar)
----------- No. 3 Kata tanya tidak ditempatkan diakhir kalimat
Contoh : The man is wearing the sunglasses is my father Pria yang memakai kacamata hitam adalah ayahku yang (salah)
The man who is wearing the sunglasses is my father (benar) Pria yang memakai kacamata hitam itu adalah milikku
------------------------------------ No. 4
Hindari kata ganti di awal kalimat:
His daughter / her bag ---> tidak boleh didepan /krn tidak jelas siapa
Baningkan : Mr Firman is going to Australia and his daughter is going to Singapore ( benar) Pak Firman akan ke Australia dan putrinya akan ke Singapura ( benar)
Part K
When = Ketika While = Selagi ----- 1.S+V2............... When +S+ V2 --- ketika
I studied english when she played tennis yeserday (T2) S V 2 O When S V 2 O Saya belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia bermain tenis kemarin
2.S+V2.................When + S +Was/were + Ving -- Ketika I studied english when she was playing tennis yeterday Saya belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia sedang bermain tenis kemarin
---- S+Was/were + Ving ...While + S+was/were + Ving -- Selagi
They were studying english while shinta was playing tennis yesterday
Saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris ketika dia sedang bermain tenis kemarin
Part L
Jenis Kalimat :
1. Simple Sentence ( Kalimat sederhana / tunggal)
Dewi buys a pen at the shop S V O Place
Dewi membeli pena di toko
2. Compund Sentence ( Kalimat Majemuk Setara ) --And (dan) --But (tetapi) -- Or ( atau)
Dewi buys a pen at the shop and Mother cooks rice in the kitchen S V O P S V O P
Dewi membeli pena di toko dan Ibu memasak nasi di dapur
3. Complex Sentence ( Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat) Conjuction ( Kata hubung( : --Because ( karena) --So ( sehingga) --Before ( sebelum) --After ( sesudah) --If ( jika) --When ( ketika ) --While ( selagi)
Dewi buys a pen because she wants to write a letter S V O Conj S V O Dewi membeli pena karena dia ingin menulis surat
Part M Contoh Soal
1 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
Felt-But-Excited-I-Tired-My holiday- after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I felt tired but excited after my holiday Saya merasa lelah tetapi bersemangat setelah liburan saya
My holiday felt tired but I excited after My holiday felt but tired I excited after I felt tired but excited after my holiday I felt excited but my holiday tired after
2 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
Friend-the-running-who-girl-best-is-my-is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The girl who is running is my best friend Gadis yang sedang berlari adalah sahabatku
UN14 My best friend is the running girl who is My friend is the running girl who is best The running girl who is my is best friend The girl who is running is my best friend
2 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
Dinner-when-started-having-were-it-rain-to-we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
We were having dinner when it started to rain Kami sedang makan malam ketika hujan mulai turun
UN14 We were started to dinner when it having rain We were having dinner when it started to rain When we were started having dinner it to rain When we were started to dinner it having rain
3 |
Arrange these words into the correct sentence
When-was doing-I-my sister-painfully-screamed-my homework 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I was doing my homework when my sister screamed painfully Saya sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah ketika saudara perempuan saya menjerit kesakitan
UN15 |
4 |
Arrange the following words into the correct sentence
Really-I-to go-too sick-want-to work- to drive- I am-but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I really want to go to work but I am too sick to drive Saya benar-benar ingin pergi bekerja tetapi saya terlalu sakit untuk mengemudi
UN15 I really want to drive but I am too sick to go to work I want to go to work but I am really too sick to drive I want to drive really but I am too sick to work to go I really want to go to work but I am too sick to drive
5 |
Arrange the words into the correct order
Games-lunch-we-preparing-playing-while-they-were-were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
While we were playing games they were preparing lunch Sementara kami bermain-main, mereka sedang menyiapkan makan siang --- Asal : We were playing games while they were preparing lunch
UN16 They were preparing games while we were lunch playing They were preparing lunch while we games playing were While we were playing games they were preparing lunch While we were playing games they lunch were preparing
6 |
Asks-after dinner- to wash-every night-the dishes-Budi-Mum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 4-7-1-6-3-5-2 b. 4-7-1-6-2-5-3 c. 3-5-1-6-2-4-7 d. 3-5-1-6-4-7-2
Every night Mum asks Budi to wash the dishes after lunch Setiap malam ibu meminta Budi untuk mencuci piring setelah makan siang
Every night Mum asks Budi to wash the dishes after lunch Everynight Mum asks Budi after dinner the dishes to wash To wash the dishes asks Budi after dinner everynight Mum To wash the dishes asks Budi evernight Mum after dinner |
7 |
Arrange the folowing words into a correct sentence
Since-my father-seriously ill-has been-is-and-hospitalized-yesterday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My father is seriously ill and has been hospitalized since yesterday Ayah saya sakit parah dan dirawat di rumah sakit sejak kemarin
UN14 |
8 |
Arrange the following words intoa correct sentence
High school-my friend-is wearing-the boy-who-a red cap-from-is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The boy who is wearing a red cap is my friend from high school Anak laki-laki yang mengenakan topi merah adalah teman saya dari sekolah menengah
My friend from high school is a red cap who the boy is wearing Who is wearing my friend from high school the boy a red cap is High school my friend from who the boy a red cap is is wearing The boy who is wearing a red cap is my friend from high school
9 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence My house-went out-was raining-when-it-very hard-the electricity-in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When it was raining very hard the electricity in my house went out
Ketika hujan sangat deras, listrik di rumah saya padam
UN14 |
10 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
Watched-home-we-at-stayed-film-a-and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We stayed at home and watched a film Kami tinggal di rumah dan menonton film --- Stay-stayed-stayed-staying Watch-watched-watched-watching
We watched a film at home and stayed We stayed at home and watched a film Stayed at home and we watched a film Stayed and we watched a film home at
11 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
The email-went off-I-while-the computer-was-suddenly-writing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 4-6-2-5-7-3-8-1 b. 4-3-6-8-1-5-7-2 c. 4-3-6-2-5-1-7-8 d. 4-6-8-5-3-1-7-2
While I was writing the email the computer suddenly went off Ketika saya sedang menulis email, komputer tiba-tiba mati Berasal dari The computer suddenly went off While I was writing the email UN14
12 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence The sunglasses-who-is-my father-is wearing-the man 1 2 3 4 5 6
The man who is wearing the sunglasses is my father Pria yang memakai kacamata hitam itu adalah ayahku
The man who is wearing the sunglasses is my father The man is wearing the sunglasses is my father who My father is wearing the sunglasses who is the man Who is wearing my father is the sunglasses the man
14 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence When-I-studying english-last night-was-you-came 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I was studying english when you came last night Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris ketika Anda datang tadi malam --- Study/studies-studied-studied-studying Come-came-come-coming UN14 ------ When I studying english last night you was came I was studying english when you came last night Studying english last night was you came I when Last night when I was studying english you came
15 |
Is- Australia-his daughters-are-going to-and-Singapore-going to- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mr. Firman 9
a. 9-1-5-2-6-3-7-4-8 b. 9-1-5-2-6-3-4-8-7 c. 3-1-8-7-6-9-4-5-2 d. 3-4-8-7-6-9-1-5-2
Mr. Firman is going to Australia and his daughters are going to Singapore Pak Firman akan ke Australia dan putrinya pergi ke Singapura
UN 14 Mr firman is going to Australia and his daughter Singapore are going to Mr. Firman is going to Australia and his daughters are going to Singapore His daughter is going to Singapore and Mr Firman are going to Australia His daughter are going to Singapore and Mr Firman is going to Australia
16 |
Arrange the folowing words into a correct sentence
When-wants-a doctor-she-grows up-or- a lawyer-to be – Wina 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a. 9-5-8-3-6-7-1-4-2 b. 9-2-8-3-6-7-1-4-5 c. 4-2-8-3-6-7-1-9-5 d. 4-2-8-3-1-9-5-6-7
Wina wants to be a doctor or a lawyer when she grows up Wina ingin menjadi dokter atau pengacara ketika dia dewasa
UN14 |
17 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentence
Will have-are-who-the students-hard-a test- studying-tomorrow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 4-3-1-6-8-2-7-5 B. 3-2-4-1-6-7-5-8 C. 4-2-7-5-3-1-6-8 D. 3-2-7-5-8-4-1-6
The students who will have a test tomorrow are studying hard Para siswa yang akan mengikuti tes besok sedang belajar keras
UN14 The students who will have a test tomorrow are studying hard Who are the students will have a test studying hard tomorrow The students are studying hard who will have a test tomorrow Who are studying hard tomorrow the students will have a test
18 |
Arrange the following word into a correct sentence
Buying- a bookstore-new-he-was-a -book- English-in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
He was buying a new english book in a bookstore Dia membeli buku bahasa Inggris baru di toko buku
19 |
Arrange the following words into a correct sentences
Afraid-that-next week –till- is- he- come- can’t- he 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
He is afraid that he can’t come till next week Dia takut tidak bisa datang sampai minggu depan
UN 14 |
21 |
Break the glass in case of emergency Pecahkan kaca jika terjadi keadaan darurat UN10
22 |
Smoking-is-non-this-restaurant-a 1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement to make a sentence is ...
This is a non smoking restaurant Ini adalah restoran bebas rokok UN10 |
Part N
NB : Play/plays(V1)- played(V2)-played(v3)-playing(Ving ) Study/Studies (V1)-studied (V2)-studied(V3)-Studying (Ving) ( Regular Verb/Kata kerja teratur)
-- Write/writes (V1)-wrote(V2)-written(V3)-writing(Ving) Buy/buys (V1)-bought(V2)-bought(v3)-buying (Ving) ( Irregular Verb/ kata kerja tidak teratur)
Alamat kami :
Gadjah Mada English School ( GMES)
Jl.Kadipaten Kulon No. 27 B , Kraton , Yogyakarta
Phone /WA : 0812 274 7050
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Les Inggris SMP Jogja
Les Inggris SMA,SBMPTN dan STAN di Jogja
Les TOEFL Jogja
Hitung Nilai TOEFL
Adjective , Kata sifat
Adverb , Kata Keterangan
Conjunction , Kata Hubung
Pronouns , Kata Ganti
Preposition , Kata Depan
Regular Verb, Kata Kerja Teratur
Irregular Verb, Kata Kerja Tidak Teratur
Question Words , Kata Tanya
Adverb of Frequency , Keterangan Keseringan
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BalasHapusFirst komen😅
BalasHapusSetelah membaca materi ini saya menjadi lebih paham tentang bahasa inggris thanks mr:Joko Widodo😂
BalasHapusSetelah saya memahami nya ternyata bertambah wawasan saya mksh GmesEngliah
BalasHapusTerimakasih pak joko🙏🙏🙏materinya mudah dipahami dan sangat membantu
BalasHapusMaterinya sangat membantu 👍
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.
BalasHapusMudah di pahami
BalasHapusVery good
BalasHapusmaterinya sangat membantu
BalasHapusSetelah membaca dan memahami materi ini saya menjadi lebih mudah mengerjakan soal yg harus menyusun kata
BalasHapusthank u sir
BalasHapusTerimakasih materinya pak, ini sangat membantu
BalasHapusThank you sir the material is easy to understand and very helpful
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusthank you sir
BalasHapusThank you sir, the material is easy to understand and very helpful
BalasHapusThank you sir the material is very easy and learned
BalasHapusThank you sir the maerial is very easy to understand
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusthank you sir, the material very useful
BalasHapuseasy to understand material
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusthank you sir the material is easy to understand
BalasHapusThank you sir the material is very helpful and easy to understand👍🏿
BalasHapusThanks sir for the material, it is good and very helpful
BalasHapusThank you sir,the material is very helpful
BalasHapusthank you sir
BalasHapusThanks sir
BalasHapusThank you
BalasHapusGood material and easy to understand
BalasHapusthank you sir, the material is easy to understand
BalasHapusThank you sir , the material is very helpful
BalasHapusThankyou sir
BalasHapusGood and thank you for the material very helpful
BalasHapusThe material is very clear,helpful,and very useful,thank you
BalasHapusThank you for the material Sir.Its really useful and helping me to learn English more easy.
BalasHapusThis material really help me to learning abt arrange the words. tysm Mr. Joko, i hope u always have a nice day !
BalasHapusThis material really helps me in the process of learning English because it is very easy to understand. thank you Mr. Joko
BalasHapusThankyou sir
BalasHapusThankyou sir👍👍👍
BalasHapusThe material is very helpful for learning sir
BalasHapusThank you sir
BalasHapusThankyou sir
BalasHapusthank you sir,
BalasHapusFantastis, Thank you sir
BalasHapusthanks for the material sir it's very easy to understand