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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Recount Text About Sport Events. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 10 September 2024

Recount Text About Sport Events , Recount Teks Tentang Acara Olahraga, Soal Recount Text, Generic Structure of Recount Text



Recount Text About Sport Event

Teks Recount Tentang Acara Olahraga




Function of Recount Text:

Fungsi Recount teks :

It’s to retell an event or someone’s experiences in the past 

Menceritakan kembali suatu peristiwa atau pengalaman seseorang di masa lalu


Generic Structure of Recount Text :

Struktur Generik Teks Deskriptif :

  1. Orientation: It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved , where it happened, and when it happened

Orientasi: Memberi pembaca informasi latar belakang yang dibutuhkan untuk memahami teks, seperti siapa yang terlibat, di mana kejadiannya, dan kapan kejadiannya.

  1. Series of event : ordered in a chronological sequence

Rangkaian acara/kegiatan : diurutkan secara kronologis

  1. Reorientation : a personal comment about the event or what happened in the end (optional)

Reorientasi : komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau apa yang terjadi pada akhirnya (opsional)


Grammatical Feaures of Recount Text:

Fitur Tata Bahasa Teks Recount :

  1. Usually use the simple past tense (V2)

1. Biasanya menggunakan simple past tense (V2)

  1. Using action verbs , such as went,stayed,watched,jumped,saw,etc

Menggunakan kata kerja tindakan (action verbs), misalnya pergi, diam, menonton, melompat, melihat, dan lain-lain.

  1. Using temporal connectives, such as then ,after

Menggunakan kata penghubung temporal, misalnya kemudian, sesudah






              Yesterday, I was invited to watch a volleyball match at the local stadium. It was a home game, so my town, Molfetta, was playing against Trento. I never watched any volleyball match before because it was not a very popular sport in the town where I grew up. l saw a footbal match before and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.

              Kemarin saya diundang menonton pertandingan bola voli di stadion setempat. Itu adalah pertandingan kandang, jadi kotaku, Molfetta, bermain melawan Trento. Saya belum pernah menonton pertandingan bola voli sebelumnya karena itu bukanlah olahraga yang populer di kota tempat saya dibesarkan. Saya pernah menonton pertandingan sepak bola sebelumnya dan saya sangat menikmati suasananya.

              Although we arrived quite late, we managed to get a seat during the first set. We were in the front row, so we were close to the players. I looked at all the players.They were all very tall. Molfetta's team was dressed in white uniform, whereas Trento's players were wearing black. The downside of sitting in the front row was that we didn't have a clear view of the net, so we couldn't really see where the ball was going. We went to stand up at the top of the stairs and had a much better view of the whole stadium.

              Meski kami datang cukup terlambat, kami berhasil mendapatkan tempat duduk pada set pertama. Kami berada di barisan depan, jadi kami dekat dengan para pemain. Saya melihat ke seluruh pemain. Mereka semua sangat tinggi. Tim Molfetta mengenakan seragam putih, sedangkan para pemain Trento mengenakan seragam hitam. Kelemahan dari duduk di barisan depan adalah kami tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas ke gawang, sehingga kami tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas ke mana arah bola. Kami pergi untuk berdiri di puncak tangga dan melihat seluruh stadion dengan lebih baik.

              The atmosphere was very lively. Between sets, I saw people moving around and heard loud music playing. I heard the crowd cheering and clapping during the match. There was a group of Molfetta fans that were playing drums and singing songs to support the team. They waved a red and white flag that represented the colors of the team. Their support for their team made me feel excited, and I also joined them in singing. I also drank and ate some snacks that I bought on the way to the stadium.

              Suasananya sangat meriah. Di sela-sela set, saya melihat orang-orang bergerak dan mendengar musik keras diputar. Saya mendengar penonton bersorak dan bertepuk tangan selama pertandingan. Ada sekelompok fans Molfetta yang sedang bermain drum dan menyanyikan lagu untuk mendukung tim. Mereka mengibarkan bendera merah putih yang melambangkan warna tim. Dukungan mereka terhadap timnya membuat saya merasa bersemangat, dan Saya juga ikut bernyanyi bersama mereka. Saya juga minum dan makan beberapa makanan ringan yang saya beli dalam perjalanan ke stadion.







              The tensest match occurred in the third or final set because each team had to win. When the score was 23-24 in favor of Trento. Molfetta's players worked very hard to score. I was feeling tense because both of the teams had a long rally. I squeezed my hands because of it. They seemed to be waiting for each other's team to let their guard down. Tim Trento, then, delivered a powerful spike. I heard the sound, the ball hitting the hands of player Molfetta, who was trying to block the spike. However, the ball slid down and landed towards Molfetta's side. And finally, Trento won the game. The entire stadium was filled with the screams of Trentos supporters.

              Laga paling menegangkan terjadi pada set ketiga atau terakhir karena masing-masing tim harus meraih kemenangan. Saat skor 23-24 untuk keunggulan Trento. Para pemain Molfetta bekerja sangat keras untuk mencetak gol. Saya merasa tegang karena kedua tim melakukan reli yang panjang. Aku meremas tanganku karenanya. Mereka tampak menunggu tim satu sama lain untuk lengah. Tim Trento kemudian memberikan pukulan yang kuat. Saya mendengar suaranya, bola mengenai tangan pemain Molfetta, yang mencoba memblokir spike. Namun, bola meluncur ke bawah dan mendarat ke arah sisi Molfetta. Dan akhirnya Trento memenangkan pertandingan tersebut. Seluruh stadion dipenuhi teriakan suporter Trentos.

              The game was finally over. Trento eventually won the match. I enjoyed the match even though my team lost because it was a very impressive sport to watch. I was amazed at how high the players could jump.

              Permainan akhirnya berakhir. Trento akhirnya memenangkan pertandingan tersebut. Saya menikmati pertandingan tersebut meskipun tim saya kalah karena itu adalah olahraga yang sangat mengesankan untuk ditonton. Saya kagum dengan seberapa tinggi para pemain bisa melompat.


Adapted from : Kharisma/1A


Answer the following questions according to the text above!

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan teks di atas!


  1. What is the type of the text?

Apa jenis teksnya?

The type of the text is recount text

Jenis teksnya adalah teks recount

  1. What is the purpose of the text?

Apa tujuan teks tersebut?

The purpose of the text is to retell an event or someone’s experiences in the past

Tujuan teks adalah untuk menceritakan kembali suatu peristiwa atau pengalaman seseorang pada masa lalu

  1. Who was playing? 

Siapa yang sedang bermain? 

Molfetta and Trento were playing.

Molfetta dan Trento sedang bermain.

  1. What was happening? 

Apa yang terjadi? 

A volleyball match was happening.

Pertandingan bola voli sedang berlangsung.

  1. Who was excited? 

Siapa yang bersemangat? 

The author and the Molfetta fans were excited.

Penulis dan penggemar Molfetta sangat bersemangat.

  1. What was the atmosphere like? 

Seperti apa suasananya? 

The atmosphere was very lively with loud music, cheering, and clapping.

Suasana sangat meriah dengan musik keras, sorak-sorai, dan tepuk tangan.

  1. Where was the match held? 

Dimana pertandingan tersebut diadakan? 

The match was held at the local stadium in Molfetta.

Pertandingan diadakan di stadion lokal di Molfetta.

  1. When did the match occur? 

Kapan pertandingan itu terjadi? 

The text does not specify the exact date, but it mentions that the author had never watched a volleyball match before, implying it was a new experience for them.

Teks tersebut tidak menyebutkan tanggal pastinya, namun disebutkan bahwa penulis belum pernah menonton pertandingan bola voli sebelumnya, sehingga menyiratkan bahwa itu adalah pengalaman baru bagi mereka.

  1. Which teams were playing? 

Tim mana yang bermain? 

Molfetta and Trento were playing.

Molfetta dan Trento sedang bermain.

  1. Why was the author excited? 

Mengapa penulis bersemangat? 

The author was excited because of the lively atmosphere and the support of the Molfetta fans.

Penulis heboh karena suasana yang meriah dan dukungan dari para penggemar Molfetta.

  1. Which colors were represented? 

Warna apa saja yang terwakili? 

The colors of Molfetta were red and white, while Trento's players wore black.

Warna Molfetta merah putih, sedangkan pemain Trento memakai warna hitam.

  1. How did the author get a seat? 

Bagaimana penulis mendapatkan tempat duduk? 

The author managed to get a seat during the first set despite arriving late.

Penulis berhasil mendapatkan tempat duduk pada set pertama meski datang terlambat.

  1. How did the author improve their view? 

Bagaimana penulis meningkatkan pandangan mereka? 

The author went to stand up at the top of the stairs to get a better view of the whole stadium.

Penulis pergi untuk berdiri di puncak tangga untuk mendapatkan pemandangan yang lebih baik ke seluruh stadion.

  1. Whom did the author join in singing? 

Siapakah yang ikut dinyanyikan penulis? 

The author joined the Molfetta fans in singing songs to support their team.

Penulis ikut bergabung dengan para fans Molfetta dalam menyanyikan lagu-lagu untuk mendukung timnya.

  1. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

Apa gagasan pokok paragraf ketiga?

The main idea of the third paragraph is to describe the lively atmosphere during the match, including the movement of people, loud music, cheering crowds, and the support of Molfetta fans

Gagasan pokok paragraf ketiga adalah menggambarkan suasana semarak selama pertandingan, meliputi pergerakan orang, musik keras, sorak sorai penonton, dan dukungan suporter Molfetta.

  1. How did the writer feel about the game?

Bagaimana perasaan penulis terhadap game tersebut?

The writer enjoyed the match despite their team losing. The writer also felt excited by the support of Molfetta fans and joined in singing to support their team. 

Penulis menikmati pertandingan meskipun timnya kalah. Penulis juga merasa gembira atas dukungan para penggemar Molfetta dan ikut bernyanyi untuk mendukung timnya. 




Cross (X) A,B,C, or D for the best answer !

Silang (X) A,B,C, atau D untuk jawaban terbaik!

01. What was the name of the town where the volleyball match 

      took place?

      Apa nama kota tempat diadakannya pertandingan bola voli?

  1. Molfetta
  2. Trento
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A nor B


02.Which team was playing at home in the match?

     Tim mana yang bermain di kandang sendiri pada 

     Pertandingan   tersebut?

  1. Molfetta
  2. Trento
  3. Both teams equally
  4. Neither team was playing at home

03.What was the color of Molfetta's team uniform?

      Apa warna seragam tim Molfetta?

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red and White
  4. Blue

04. Why did sitting in the front row make it difficult to watch 

       the match?

        Mengapa duduk di barisan depan membuat menonton  

        pertandingan menjadi sulit?

  1. Because the seats were too small.
  2. Because the net was obstructed.
  3. Because the sound system was too loud.
  4. Because the players were too tall.

05.What was happening between sets of the match?

     Apa yang terjadi di antara set pertandingan?

  1. The players were resting.
  2. The crowd was cheering and moving around.
  3. The music was playing.
  4. The teams were discussing strategies.

06.Who were the fans that played drums and sang songs to 

     support their team?

    Siapa saja fans yang memainkan drum dan menyanyikan 

    lagu untuk mendukung timnya?

  1. Trento fans
  2. Molfetta fans
  3. Both teams' fans
  4. Neutral fans

07.What was the score when the tensest part of the match 


     Berapa skor saat pertandingan paling menegangkan terjadi?

  1. 20-20
  2. 23-24 in favor of Trento
  3. 25-25
  4. 30-30

08. How did Trento win the game in the final set?

      Bagaimana Trento memenangkan pertandingan di set 


  1. With a powerful spike.
  2. With a long rally.
  3. With a block by their player.
  4. With a mistake by Molfetta's player.

09.What was your overall impression of the match despite 

      Molfetta losing?

      Apa kesan Anda secara keseluruhan terhadap pertandingan 

      tersebut meskipun Molfetta kalah?

  1. It was boring.
  2. It was unimpressive.
  3. It was very impressive and exciting.
  4. I didn't enjoy it.

10.What did you notice about the players during the match?

     Apa yang Anda perhatikan tentang para pemain selama 


  1. They were very short.
  2. They were very tall.
  3. They were wearing different colored uniforms.
  4. They were not very energetic.







              I will share my experience of watching a badminton match live in a stadium at that time, my friends and I were driving around the town. Suddenly. a plan came up to watch a badminton match at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia, Finally, we arrived at the venue and bought tickets there. I felt shocked at the ticket  price because it was not cheap. But, I compensated them for the jolt of experience. Before entering the venue, I bought some juice. The juice tasted sweet and was refreshing.

              Saya akan berbagi pengalaman menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis secara langsung di stadion saat itu, saya dan teman-teman sedang berkeliling kota. Tiba-tiba. muncul rencana untuk menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis di Istora Gelora Bung Karno di Indonesia, Akhirnya kami tiba di venue dan membeli tiket di sana. Saya merasa kaget dengan harga tiketnya karena tidak murah. Tapi, saya memberi kompensasi kepada mereka atas sentakan pengalaman. Sebelum memasuki venue, saya membeli jus. Jusnya terasa manis dan menyegarkan


              My first  impression when I entered the stadium was."Wow. it's really crowded!" I know that badminton is popular. But still, I was also surprised to see so many people had filled their seats even though the match was still half an hour away. At first. the room wasn't hot. but after a while, because people were excited and we all shared the air: it began to get stuffy. I smelled a strange odor, but it's still  bearable

              Kesan pertama saya ketika saya memasuki stadion adalah." Wow. Benar-benar ramai!" Saya tahu bahwa bulu tangkis itu populer. Tapi tetap saja, saya juga terkejut melihat begitu banyak orang telah memenuhi kursi mereka meskipun pertandingan masih setengah jam lagi. Pada awalnya. ruangan itu tidak panas. Tetapi setelah beberapa saat, karena orang-orang bersemangat dan kami semua berbagi udara: itu mulai menjadi pengap. Saya mencium bau aneh, tapi masih bisa ditahankan 


              The match began; all the players gave their best  performance I only knew one player, it was Greysia Polii. She was paired with Apriyani Rahayu. The game was very exciting. At the first set, they lost but managed to turn the situation around in the second set. Eventually, they won the match. Indonesian  supporters were really good at supporting. Throughout the games that I watched, I heard them singing and screaming enthusiastically to  support the Indonesian players.

              Pertandingan dimulai; semua pemain memberikan penampilan terbaik mereka, saya hanya tahu satu pemain, itu adalah Greysia Polii. Dia dipasangkan dengan Apriyani Rahayu. Pertandingan itu sangat seru. Pada set pertama, mereka kalah tetapi berhasil membalikkan keadaan di set kedua. Akhirnya, mereka memenangkan pertandingan. Suporter Indonesia sangat pandai mendukung. Sepanjang pertandingan yang saya tonton, saya mendengar mereka bernyanyi dan berteriak antusias untuk mendukung para pemain Indonesia. 


              I was so proud of the Indonesian team, I congratulated all the winners. All the matches were so cool. If I were asked to choose one of my favorite matches, the answer would be the women's doubles match.

               Saya sangat bangga dengan tim Indonesia, saya mengucapkan selamat kepada semua pemenang. Semua pertandingan sangat keren. Jika saya diminta untuk memilih salah satu pertandingan favorit saya, jawabannya adalah pertandingan ganda putri


Adapted from Kharisma/1A/1

Questions and Answers based on the text above !

Tanya Jawab Berdasarkan Teks di atas!

  1. Who was watching the badminton match?

Siapa yang menonton pertandingan bulutangkis?

The narrator and their friends were watching the badminton match.

Narator dan teman-temannya sedang menonton pertandingan bulutangkis.

  1. What was the plan that came up to watch a badminton match?

Apa rencana yang muncul untuk menonton pertandingan bulutangkis?

The plan was to watch a badminton match at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia.

Rencananya adalah menonton pertandingan bulutangkis di Istora Gelora Bung Karno di Indonesia.

  1. Where did the narrator and their friends watch the badminton match?

Dimana narator dan teman-temannya menonton pertandingan bulutangkis?

They watched the match at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia.

Mereka menyaksikan pertandingan tersebut di Istora Gelora Bung Karno di Indonesia.


  1. When did the narrator and their friends arrive at the venue?

Kapan narator dan teman-temannya tiba di tempat tersebut?

The text does not specify the exact time, but it mentions that they arrived at the venue and bought tickets there.

Teks tersebut tidak menyebutkan waktu pastinya, namun disebutkan bahwa mereka telah tiba di lokasi dan membeli tiket di sana.

  1. Which players were the narrator familiar with?

Pemain manakah yang dikenal oleh narator?

The narrator was familiar with Greysia Polii, who was paired with Apriyani Rahayu.

Narator akrab dengan Greysia Polii yang berpasangan dengan Apriyani Rahayu.

  1. Why was the narrator shocked at the ticket price?

Mengapa narator kaget dengan harga tiketnya?

The narrator was shocked at the ticket price because it was not cheap.

Narator kaget dengan harga tiketnya karena tidak murah.

  1. How did the narrator feel about the experience despite the high ticket price?

Bagaimana perasaan narator tentang pengalaman tersebut meskipun harga tiketnya mahal?

The narrator compensated for the high ticket price with the jolt of experience.

Narator mengimbangi mahalnya harga tiket dengan sentakan pengalaman.

  1. What did the narrator buy before entering the venue?

Apa yang narator beli sebelum memasuki venue?

The narrator bought some juice before entering the venue.

Narator membeli jus sebelum memasuki tempat tersebut.

  1. What was the narrator's first impression when they entered the stadium?

Apa kesan pertama narator saat memasuki stadion?

The narrator's first impression was that the stadium was really crowded.

Kesan pertama narator adalah stadion itu sangat ramai 

  1. Why did the room get stuffy during the match?

Mengapa ruangan menjadi pengap saat pertandingan?

The room got stuffy because people were excited and shared the air, causing it to become stuffy.

Ruangan menjadi pengap karena orang-orang heboh dan berbagi udara sehingga menyebabkan pengap.

  1. What was the outcome of the match involving Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu?

Bagaimana hasil pertandingan yang melibatkan Greysia Polii dan Apriyani Rahayu?

Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu lost the first set but managed to turn the situation around and eventually won the match.

Greysia Polii dan Apriyani Rahayu sempat kalah di set pertama namun berhasil membalikkan keadaan dan akhirnya memenangkan pertandingan.

  1. How did the Indonesian supporters support the players during the match?

Bagaimana dukungan suporter Indonesia terhadap pemain selama pertandingan?

The Indonesian supporters were really good at supporting, singing and screaming enthusiastically to support the Indonesian players.

Para suporter Indonesia sangat piawai dalam memberikan dukungan, bernyanyi dan berteriak penuh semangat untuk mendukung para pemain Indonesia.

  1. Why was the narrator proud of the Indonesian team?

Mengapa narator bangga dengan tim Indonesia?

The narrator was proud of the Indonesian team and congratulated all the winners.

Narator merasa bangga dengan tim Indonesia dan mengucapkan selamat kepada seluruh pemenang.

  1. Which match was the narrator's favorite?

Pertandingan manakah yang menjadi favorit narator?

The narrator's favorite match was the women's doubles match.

Pertandingan favorit narator adalah pertandingan ganda putri.

  1. What does the text tell about?

Apa isi teks tersebut?

The text tells about the writer's experience of watching a badminton match live at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia. 

Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang pengalaman penulis menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis secara langsung di Istora Gelora Bung Karno Indonesia. 

  1. Where was the event held?

Dimana acara tersebut diadakan?

The event was held at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia.

Acara tersebut diadakan di Istora Gelora Bung Karno di Indonesia.

  1. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?

Apa gagasan pokok paragraf 2?

The main idea of paragraph 2 is that the writer was surprised by the large number of people attending the match and the excitement of the crowd. The writer describes the initial impression of the crowded stadium and the stuffiness that developed as the match progressed.

Gagasan utama paragraf 2 adalah penulis dikejutkan dengan banyaknya orang yang hadir pada pertandingan tersebut dan kemeriahan penonton. Penulis menggambarkan kesan awal dari padatnya stadion dan pengap yang berkembang seiring berjalannya pertandingan.

  1. What was the writer's opinion about the supporters?

Apa pendapat penulis tentang suporter?

The writer had a positive opinion about the supporters. 

Penulis mempunyai opini positif terhadap para suporter 

  1. Do you think the writer was satisfied with the event?

Apakah menurut Anda penulis puas dengan acara tersebut?

Yes, the writer seemed to be satisfied with the event. The text indicates that the writer was thrilled by the match, particularly the women's doubles match, and was proud of the Indonesian team. 

  1. Ya, sepertinya penulis puas dengan acara tersebut. Teks tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penulis sangat antusias dengan pertandingan tersebut, khususnya pertandingan ganda putri, dan bangga dengan tim Indonesia.








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