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Jumat, 06 September 2024

Descriptive Text About Athletes , Teks Deskriptif Tentang Olahragawan, Soal Descriptive Text , Generic Structure And Social Function Of Descriptive Text



Description of Athletes

Deskripsi Atlet



Descriptive Text


Function of Descrptive Text:

Fungsi Deskriptitif teks :

  1. It is to descriptive an object/person/animal /thing in detail

Bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda/orang/hewan/benda secara detail

  1. It is to describe specific or particular object/person/animal/thing

Ini untuk mendeskripsikan objek/orang/hewan/benda tertentu atau tertentu


Generic Structure of Descriptive text :

Struktur Generik Teks Deskriptif :

  1. Classification : a paragraph which classifies or identifies the object described

Klasifikasi : paragraf yang mengklasifikasikan atau mengidentifikasi objek yang dijelaskan

  1. Description : a paragraph which describes the object in detail

Description : paragraf yang menjelaskan objek secara detail


Grammatical Feaures of Descriptive text:

Fitur Tata Bahasa Teks Deskriptif:

  1. Using the present tense (V1/V+s)

Menggunakan present tense

  1. Using relational verbs , such as is and are

Menggunakan kata kerja relasional, seperti is dan are

  1. Using action verb , such as starts, shows, stands,employs

Menggunakan kata kerja tindakan, seperti memulai, menunjukkan, berdiri, mempekerjakan

  1. Using mental verbs , such as feels,likes

Menggunakan kata kerja mental, seperti merasa, suka






              There are some rising stars in badminton. One of them is Kodai Naraokafrom Japan. Born on June 30, 2001, in Aomori, Kodai Naraoka started pursuing badminton when he was five years old. Due to his hard work and discipline, he is on the top five in men's singles now.

              Ada beberapa bintang yang sedang naik daun di bulutangkis. Salah satunya adalah Kodai Naraoka dari Jepang. Lahir pada tanggal 30 Juni 2001, di Aomori, Kodai Naraoka mulai menekuni bulu tangkis saat ia berusia lima tahun. Berkat kerja keras dan disiplinnya, ia kini menduduki peringkat lima besar tunggal putra.

              Kodai Naraoka stands at 1.73 meters tall. He weighs 69 kilograms. He's got an oval face with small and black eyes. Besides,he's got straight black hair. He always appears with a headband on court. Like other Japanese people, he's got a white skin.

              Kodai Naraoka memiliki tinggi 1,73 meter. Beratnya 69 kilogram. Dia memiliki wajah oval dengan mata kecil dan hitam. Selain itu, dia memiliki rambut hitam lurus. Ia selalu tampil dengan ikat kepala di lapangan. Seperti orang Jepang lainnya, dia berkulit putih.

              Kodai Naraoka is known as a fighter. His moves on court are always impressive. He always shows his tenacity and perseverance in every single match that he has. He prefers playing a rally in each match. Although he seldom smashes or attacks, he rarely does an unforced error in the matches. He, of course, is perfectly fit and physically strong. 

              Kodai Naraoka dikenal sebagai seorang petarung. Pergerakannya di lapangan selalu mengesankan. Kegigihan dan ketekunannya selalu ia tunjukkan dalam setiap pertandingan yang ia jalani. Ia lebih memilih bermain reli di setiap pertandingan. Meski jarang melakukan smash atau serangan, namun ia jarang melakukan kesalahan yang tidak disengaja  dalam pertandingan. Tentu saja, dia sangat bugar dan kuat secara fisik.

              As a top player, Kodai Naraoka has won some badminton championships. In his junior career, he has won a bronze at World Junior Championships in 2017 and a silver at the World Junior Championships in 2018. He won five titles and two runners-up at the BWF International Challenge in 2018 to 2019, He won a silver at the BWF World Championship in 2023. He won two titles and four runners-up at the BWF World Tour in 2022 to 2023.

              Sebagai pemain top, Kodai Naraoka telah memenangkan beberapa kejuaraan bulutangkis. Dalam karir juniornya, ia telah memenangkan satu perunggu di Kejuaraan Dunia Junior pada tahun 2017 dan satu perak di Kejuaraan Dunia Junior pada tahun 2018. Ia memenangkan lima gelar dan dua runner-up di BWF International Challenge pada tahun 2018 hingga 2019, Ia memenangkan perak di Kejuaraan Dunia BWF pada tahun 2023. Ia meraih dua gelar dan empat runner-up BWF World Tour pada tahun 2022 hingga 2023.


Adapted From : Kharisma/1A/1/20


Answer the following questions according to the text above!

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan teks di atas!


  1. What is the type of the text?

Apa jenis teksnya?

The type of text  is descriptive text. 

Jenis teksnya adalah teks deskriptif. 

  1. What is the purpose of the text?

Apa tujuan teks tersebut?

The purpose of the text is to describe an object/person /animal /place in detail

Tujuan teks adalah untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda/orang/hewan/tempat secara detail

  1. What are the generic structures of the text ?

Apa saja struktur umum teks tersebut?

The generic structures of the text are Classification and Description of the person in detail

Struktur umum teks adalah Klasifikasi dan Deskripsi orang secara rinci

  1. Who is Kodai Naraoka?

Siapakah Kodai Naraoka?

Kodai Naraoka is a rising star in badminton from Japan.

Kodai Naraoka adalah bintang bulutangkis yang sedang naik daun dari Jepang.

  1. What is Kodai Naraoka known for?

Apa yang membuat Kodai Naraoka terkenal?

Kodai Naraoka is known for his hard work, discipline, tenacity, and perseverance in badminton.

Kodai Naraoka dikenal dengan kerja keras, disiplin, keuletan, dan ketekunannya dalam bulutangkis.

  1. Where was Kodai Naraoka born?

Dimana Kodai Naraoka lahir?

Kodai Naraoka was born in Aomori, Japan.

Kodai Naraoka lahir di Aomori, Jepang 

  1. When did Kodai Naraoka start pursuing badminton?

Kapan Kodai Naraoka mulai menekuni bulutangkis?

Kodai Naraoka started pursuing badminton when he was five years old.

Kodai Naraoka mulai menekuni bulu tangkis ketika dia berusia lima tahun.

  1. Which championships has Kodai Naraoka won?

Kejuaraan apa yang dimenangkan Kodai Naraoka?

Kodai Naraoka has won several badminton championships, including a bronze at the World Junior Championships in 2017, a silver at the World Junior Championships in 2018, five titles and two runners-up at the BWF International Challenge from 2018 to 2019, and a silver at the BWF World Championship in 2023.

Kodai Naraoka telah memenangkan beberapa kejuaraan bulu tangkis, termasuk satu perunggu di Kejuaraan Dunia Junior pada tahun 2017, satu perak di Kejuaraan Dunia Junior pada tahun 2018, lima gelar dan dua runner-up di BWF International Challenge dari 2018 hingga 2019, dan satu perak di Kejuaraan Dunia BWF pada tahun 2023.

  1. Why is Kodai Naraoka considered a top player?

Mengapa Kodai Naraoka dianggap sebagai pemain top?

Kodai Naraoka is considered a top player due to his impressive moves on court, tenacity, and low rate of unforced errors.

Kodai Naraoka dianggap sebagai pemain top karena pergerakannya yang mengesankan di lapangan, keuletan, dan tingkat kesalahan sendiri yang rendah.

  1. How does Kodai Naraoka approach his matches?

Bagaimana pendekatan Kodai Naraoka terhadap pertandingannya?

Kodai Naraoka approaches his matches by preferring to play a rally in each match and rarely smashing or attacking, which helps him maintain a low error rate.

Kodai Naraoka mendekati pertandingannya dengan lebih memilih bermain reli di setiap pertandingan dan jarang melakukan smash atau menyerang, yang membantunya menjaga tingkat kesalahan yang rendah.

  1. Whom does Kodai Naraoka represent in badminton?

Siapa yang diwakili Kodai Naraoka dalam bulutangkis?

Kodai Naraoka represents Japan in badminton.

Kodai Naraoka mewakili Jepang dalam bulu tangkis.

  1. How tall and how much does Kodai Naraoka weigh?

Berapa tinggi dan berat Kodai Naraoka?

Kodai Naraoka stands at 1.73 meters tall and weighs 69 kilograms.

Kodai Naraoka memiliki tinggi 1,73 meter dan berat 69 kilogram.

  1. Why is Kodai Naraoka physically strong?

Mengapa Kodai Naraoka kuat secara fisik?

Kodai Naraoka is physically strong because he is perfectly fit, which allows him to perform well in matches.

  1. Kodai Naraoka kuat secara fisik karena dia sangat bugar, sehingga dia bisa tampil baik dalam pertandingan 
  2. Which physical characteristics does Kodai Naraoka have?

Ciri-ciri fisik apa yang dimiliki Kodai Naraoka?

Kodai Naraoka has an oval face, small and black eyes, straight black hair, and white skin. He always appears with a headband on court.

Kodai Naraoka memiliki wajah oval, mata kecil berwarna hitam, rambut hitam lurus, dan kulit putih. Ia selalu tampil dengan ikat kepala di lapangan.



Cross (X) A,B,C,D, or E for the best answer !

01.From the text, we know that... 

        Dari teks tersebut, kita mengetahui bahwa...

  1. Kodai Naraoka is twenty three years old now.
  2. Kodai Naraoka became the winner at the BWF World Charmpionship in 2023.
  3. Kodai Naraoka's got a round face  with big eyes.
  4. Kodai Naraoka has played badminton since he was five years old. 

Kodai Naraoka telah bermain bulutangkis sejak ia berusia lima tahun.

  1. Kodai Naraoka plays badminton in men's doubles.

02.The purpose of the text is to ..... 

     Tujuan teks tersebut adalah .....

  1. persuade the readers to be tenacious like Kodai Naraoka
  2. describe Kodai Naraoka in detail 

mendeskripsikan Kodai Naraoka secara detail

  1. tell about Kodai Naraoka's appearance, personality, and achievement
  2. present the writer's opinions about Kodai Naraoka
  3. retell Kodai Naraoka's career as a rising star

03. What does Kodai Naraoka look like? 

      Seperti apa rupa Kodai Naraoka?


  1. He's got a tanned skin.
  2. His eyes are blue in color.
  3. He is 175 cm.
  4. He's got black and straight hair.
  5. He's got an oval face. 

Dia mempunyai wajah oval.


4. "He always shows his “tenacity” and perseverance ...   

        (Paragraph 3)

    “Dia selalu menunjukkan “keuletan” dan ketekunannya…    

    (Paragraf 3)

       The italic word is the closest in meaning to... 

    Kata yang dicetak miring mempunyai arti yang paling dekat



  1. persistence 


  1. capitulate 


  1. obstinacy 

kekerasan hati

  1. inconsistence 


  1. helplessness 




5. The main idea of the last paragraph is ... 

    Gagasan pokok paragraf terakhir adalah...


  1. the reason why Kodai Naraoka has won a lot of titles
  2. Kodai Naraoka's achievements since 2017 to 2023 

Kodai Naraoka sejak tahun 2017 hingga tahun 2023

  1. what Kodai Naraoka won in his junior career
  2. titles and runners-up that Kodai Naraoka has won since his junior career
  3. why Kodai Naraoka becomes a top player






              Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo was born in Jakarta, January 19, 2005. She is a swimmer from Indonesia who won a gold medal at the Hanoi SEA Games 2021 in the backstroke style. Apart from being a gold medalist at the SEA Games, she also won a gold medal at the PON 2021 in Papua.

              Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo lahir di Jakarta, 19 Januari 2005. Ia merupakan perenang asal Indonesia yang berhasil meraih medali emas SEA Games Hanoi 2021 pada gaya punggung. Selain peraih medali emas SEA Games, ia juga meraih medali emas pada PON 2021 di Papua.

              As a swimmer, Flairene is 170 cm tall and weighs 59 kilograms. She has an athletic body with a white skin. Her face is square with slanted eyes, and she has cropped hair. 

              Sebagai seorang perenang, Flairene memiliki tinggi 170 cm dan berat 59 kilogram. Ia memiliki tubuh atletis dengan kulit putih. Wajahnya persegi, mata sipit, dan rambut cepak. 

              Flairene is a discipline person. The discipline has been developed since her childhood, when she began a swimming course at the age of ten. Apart from being disciplined, Flairene is an obedient child. She always remembers her parents'message to always pray, stay focused, be confident, and not to give up quickly.

               Flairene adalah orang yang disiplin. Disiplin ini telah dikembangkan sejak masa kecilnya, ketika ia mulai mengikuti kursus renang pada usia sepuluh tahun. Selain disiplin, Flairene merupakan anak yang penurut. Ia selalu mengingat pesan orang tuanya untuk selalu berdoa, tetap fokus, percaya diri, dan tidak cepat menyerah.


Answer the following questions according to the text above!

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan teks di atas!


  1. Who is Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo?

Siapakah Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo?

Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo is a swimmer from Indonesia.

Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo adalah perenang asal Indonesia.

  1. What are Flairene's achievements?

Apa saja prestasi Flairene?

Flairene won a gold medal at the 2021 SEA Games in Hanoi in the 100m backstroke and also won a gold medal at the 2021 PON in Papua.

Flairene meraih medali emas pada SEA Games 2021 di Hanoi pada nomor 100m gaya punggung dan juga meraih medali emas pada PON 2021 di Papua.

  1. Where was Flairene born?

Di mana Flairene lahir?

Flairene was born in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Flairene lahir di Jakarta, Indonesia.

  1. When was Flairene born?

Kapan Flairene lahir?

Flairene was born on January 19, 2005.

Flairene lahir pada 19 Januari 2005.

  1. Which events did Flairene win gold medals in?

Di event manakah Flairene memenangkan medali emas?

Flairene won gold medals in the 100m backstroke at the 2021 SEA Games and in artistic swimming at the 2021 PON in Papua.

Flairene berhasil meraih medali emas pada nomor 100m gaya punggung SEA Games 2021 dan renang artistik pada PON 2021 di Papua.

  1. Why is Flairene considered disciplined?

Mengapa Flairene dianggap disiplin?

Flairene is considered disciplined because she developed this trait since her childhood, when she began a swimming course at the age of ten.

Flairene dianggap disiplin karena ia mengembangkan sifat ini sejak kecil, ketika ia mulai mengikuti kursus renang pada usia sepuluh tahun.

  1. How did Flairene develop her discipline?

Bagaimana Flairene mengembangkan disiplinnya?

Flairene developed her discipline through her consistent participation in swimming courses since she was ten years old.

Flairene mengembangkan disiplinnya melalui partisipasi konsistennya dalam kursus renang sejak ia berusia sepuluh tahun.

  1. Whom does Flairene credit for her success?

Siapa yang dipuji oleh Flairene atas kesuksesannya?

Flairene credits her parents for instilling in her the values of always praying, staying focused, being confident, and not giving up quickly.

Flairene memuji orang tuanya yang menanamkan dalam dirinya nilai-nilai selalu berdoa, tetap fokus, percaya diri, dan tidak cepat menyerah.

  1. How tall and how much does Flairene weigh?

Berapa tinggi dan berat Flairene?

Flairene is 170 cm tall and weighs 59 kilograms.

Flairene memiliki tinggi 170 cm dan berat 59 kilogram.

  1. What are some physical characteristics of Flairene?

Apa saja ciri-ciri fisik Flairene?

Flairene has an athletic body with white skin, a square face, slanted eyes, and cropped hair.

Flairene memiliki tubuh atletis dengan kulit putih, wajah persegi, mata sipit, dan rambut cepak.

  1. Why does Flairene's face have a square shape?

Mengapa wajah Flairene berbentuk persegi?

The text does not provide specific information about why Flairene's face has a square shape, but it describes her face as square.

Teks tersebut tidak memberikan informasi spesifik tentang mengapa wajah Flairene berbentuk persegi, tetapi menggambarkan wajahnya sebagai persegi.

  1. How does Flairene's obedience contribute to her success?

Bagaimana ketaatan Flairene berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesannya?

Flairene's obedience contributes to her success by helping her follow her parents' advice and maintain a disciplined lifestyle, which is crucial for her athletic career.

Ketaatan Flairene berkontribusi pada kesuksesannya dengan membantunya mengikuti nasihat orang tuanya dan mempertahankan gaya hidup disiplin, yang sangat penting untuk karier atletiknya.


Cross (X) A,B,C,D, or E for the best answer !


01.From the text, we know that ..

  1. Flairene received a silver medal at the PON 2021.
  2. Flairene was 18 years old when she won a gold medal at the SEA Games in Hanoi.
  3. The SEA Games 2021 was Flairene's international debut.
  4. Flairene likes her long hair.
  5. Flairene has a fair skin.


02."She has an athletic body." (Paragraph 2)

     What does the underlined clause tell about?

  1. A requirement that Flairene has to do to be a swimmer.
  2. The general truth of a swimmer's trait.
  3. The truth of Flairene.
  4. What Flairene repeatedly does to make her body strong, healthy, and good at sport.
  5. The fact that Flairene's body is athletic in size and shape. 


03. The main idea of the paragraph 2 is ...

  1. Flairene as the national swimmer
  2. the appearance of Flairene
  3. Flairene likes to take pictures with her friends
  4. Flairene's hair style
  5. Flairene's personality trait


04. The main idea of the paragraph 3 is....

  1. the birthplace of Flairene
  2. Flairene's personality trait
  3. Flairene's parents's professions
  4. Flairene's achievement
  5. Flairene's first experience


05.When did Flairene start pursuing swimming?

  1. When she joined the SEA Games.
  2. When she joined the swimming
  3. When she was in the national swimmer team.
  4. When she won the gold medal.

When she was a baby





 Read the following text, then answer each question!


              Do you know one of the great tennis players in the world right now? His name is Carlos Alcaraz Garfia. This Spanish man was born on May 5, 2003, in El Palmar, Murcia, Spain. He is ranked as the top tennis player in the world because he has won six ATP Tour singles titles, including the 2022 US Open and two Masters 1000 titles. Not just as the first-ranked tennis player, Carlos Alcaras also became the youngest ever men's world No.1 at 19 years, 4 months, and 6 days old, and the first teenager in the Open Era to top the men's rankings.

              Tahukah Anda salah satu pemain tenis terhebat di dunia saat ini? Namanya Carlos Alcaraz Garfia. Pria asal Spanyol ini lahir pada tanggal 5 Mei 2003 di El Palmar, Murcia, Spanyol. Ia menduduki peringkat petenis top dunia karena telah meraih enam gelar tunggal ATP Tour, termasuk AS Terbuka 2022 dan dua gelar Masters 1000. Tidak hanya sebagai petenis peringkat pertama, Carlos Alcaras juga menjadi petenis nomor 1 dunia putra termuda pada usia 19 tahun, 4 bulan, dan 6 hari, serta remaja pertama di Era Terbuka yang menduduki peringkat teratas putra.


              Carlos Alcaraz stands at 189 cm and weighs 74 kg. He is of great build and has a strong body with a white skin. He has short black hair, thick brows, and a determined expression. He also has an oval face with a thin beard.

              Carlos Alcaraz memiliki tinggi 189 cm dan berat 74 kg. Dia bertubuh tegap dan memiliki tubuh kuat dengan kulit putih. Dia memiliki rambut hitam pendek, alis tebal, dan ekspresi penuh tekad. Ia juga memiliki wajah oval dengan janggut tipis.

              Carlos Alcaraz likes to be called Carlitos or Charly because he thinks that the name sounds fun. Carlos Alcaraz is a right handed player. He has an explosive serve. His first serve is hit at high speeds, at 130 mph. Carlos Alcaraz is an all-court, all-round tennis player, but he primarily employs an aggressive baseline style of play. He likes to hit powerful, heavy forehands and backhands that push his opponents back and open up the court.

              Carlos Alcaraz suka dipanggil Carlitos atau Charly karena menurutnya nama itu terdengar menyenangkan. Carlos Alcaraz adalah pemain kidal. Dia mempunyai servis yang eksplosif. Servis pertamanya dilakukan dengan kecepatan tinggi, dengan kecepatan 130 mph. Carlos Alcaraz adalah pemain tenis serba bisa, tetapi ia terutama menggunakan gaya permainan baseline yang agresif. Dia suka melakukan pukulan forehand dan backhand yang kuat dan berat yang mendorong lawannya mundur dan membuka lapangan.



  1. Who is one of the great tennis players in the world right now?
    Siapakah salah satu pemain tenis terhebat di dunia saat ini?

Carlos Alcaraz Garfia.

Carlos Alcaraz Garfia.

  1. Where was Carlos Alcaraz born?
    Dimana Carlos Alcaraz lahir?

El Palmar, Murcia, Spain.

El Palmar, Murcia, Spanyol.

  1. When was Carlos Alcaraz born?
    Kapan Carlos Alcaraz lahir?

May 5, 2003.

5 Mei 2003.

  1. What titles has Carlos Alcaraz won?
    Gelar apa yang dimenangkan Carlos Alcaraz?

Six ATP Tour singles titles, including the 2022 US Open and two Masters 1000 titles.

Enam gelar tunggal ATP Tour, termasuk AS Terbuka 2022 dan dua gelar Masters 1000.

  1. Why is Carlos Alcaraz ranked as the top tennis player in the world?
    Mengapa Carlos Alcaraz menduduki peringkat pemain tenis terbaik dunia?

Because of his impressive wins and achievements, including becoming the youngest ever men's world No.1 at 19 years, 4 months, and 6 days old.

Karena kemenangan dan prestasinya yang mengesankan, termasuk menjadi pemain nomor 1 dunia putra termuda pada usia 19 tahun, 4 bulan, dan 6 hari.

  1. How tall and how much does Carlos Alcaraz weigh?
    Berapa tinggi dan berat Carlos Alcaraz?

He stands at 189cm and weighs 74kg.

Tinggi badannya 189cm dan beratnya 74kg.

  1. What is Carlos Alcaraz’s preferred nickname?
    Apa nama panggilan pilihan Carlos Alcaraz?

He likes to be called "Carlitos " or "Charly" because he thinks the name sounds fun.

Dia suka dipanggil "Carlitos" atau "Charly" karena menurutnya nama itu terdengar menyenangkan.

  1. Which hand does Carlos Alcaraz use to play tennis?
    Tangan manakah yang digunakan Carlos Alcaraz untuk bermain tenis?

He is a right-handed player.

Dia adalah pemain kidal.

  1. What is notable about Carlos Alcaraz’s serve?
    Apa yang menarik dari servis Carlos Alcaraz?

His first serve is hit at high speeds, reaching up to 130mph.

Servis pertamanya dilakukan dengan kecepatan tinggi, mencapai hingga 130mph.

  1. What style of play does Carlos Alcaraz primarily employ?
    Gaya permainan apa yang paling sering digunakan Carlos Alcaraz?

He primarily employs an aggressive baseline style of play, focusing on powerful, heavy forehands and backhands to push his opponents back and open up the court.

Dia terutama menggunakan gaya permainan baseline yang agresif, dengan fokus pada pukulan forehand dan backhand yang kuat dan berat untuk mendorong lawannya mundur dan membuka lapangan.

  1. Why is Carlos Alcaraz considered an all-court tennis player?
    Mengapa Carlos Alcaraz dianggap sebagai pemain tenis semua lapangan?

Because he excels in various aspects of the game, not just limited to one specific area, making him versatile and effective on different surfaces.

Karena ia unggul dalam berbagai aspek permainan, tidak hanya terbatas pada satu area tertentu, membuatnya serba bisa dan efektif di berbagai permukaan.

  1. What is Carlos Alcaraz?

Apa pekerjaan/siapa itu Carlos Alcaraz?

Carlos Alcaraz is a Spanish professional tennis player

Carlos Alcaraz adalah pemain tenis profesional Spanyol

  1. How tall is Carlos Alcaraz ?

Berapa tinggiCarlos Alcaraz?

The height of Carlos Alcaraz is 189 cm ( 6 feet 2 inches)

Tinggi Carlos Alcaraz adalah 189 cm (6 kaki 2 inci)





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